Search results

  1. Groch

    So Long Dear Shadow

    Shadow and I were both crotchety old f_rts when we found each other in June 2006. He was my 1st and only dog, but I was not his first human. Here's a link to my "Hi Folks" post in January 2007 that tells Shadow's story and shows his "Gulag" photo from his 1st week when adopted at 12, he...
  2. Groch

    Spork the Lip-eating Dachshund Spork is Safe (for now)

    Dog lovers in Colorado have been captivated by the story of Spork, the dachshund who severely bit a veteranairy assistant in Loveland. Today's ruling puts Spork on "best behavior". Most of the story can be found HERE.. Another article indicating not just a bite, but possible human...
  3. Groch

    iNsAne Poodle Clips!

    I know people who have dyed their poodles pink, but have never seen anything like this. A buffalo poodle, panda poodle, dragon poodle, pirate poodle! MSNBC has a slideshow of this insane grooming. Insane Poodle Grooming Link On the one hand it is remarkable...On the other hand I feel...
  4. Groch

    14 Month Jail Sentence for Vicious Dog Owner

    When I read this article about a 14 month jail sentence with 4 years probation for owning a vicious dog I thought it was pretty harsh. However, if you read about the background of the case it seems far too light a sentence to me. This owner was clearly a menace, and had his neighbors...
  5. Groch

    Its True: My Dog is smarter than your kid!

    Great article on Canine intelligence on CNN: Your Dog is Smarter Than your Kid The findings: My dog is as smart as your 2 year old. The average dog can understand 165 words, including signs, signals and gestures. The average dog can also count to about 5 And not all breeds...
  6. Groch

    Happy Story: Muffy found after 9 Years, 1200 Miles

    How about a happy story: Dog found 9 years on, 1,200 miles away - Wonderful World- It sounds like the poor dog had a rough time, but she will live out the rest of his life treated like a king I bet!
  7. Groch

    The strongest case yet for tough BSLs!

    I am of course referring to Boyfriend Salad Laws: Salad dispute leads to stabbing By The Associated Press Article Last Updated: 02/10/2007 09:43:45 AM MST Longmont - Italian dressing instead of ranch on a salad prompted a man to stab his...
  8. Groch

    NYTimes: Battle Between AKC & Designer Breeders

    Today's Sunday New York Times Magazine has an in depth article about the ethics of Designer breeding vs purebreds. Here is the Link: free registration may be...
  9. Groch

    GSD Saves Car Crash Victim - Real Life Rin Tin Tin!

    A tremendous story of a German Shepard Dog who was prone to "Wandering Off" dragging an injured accident victim 50 yards to safety. At first I thought it odd the owners would then give him up, but if they could not handle the dog they did the right thing, and "Hero" will have a great new...
  10. Groch

    Overcoming a lifetime of dog-phobia.

    Shadow is my 13 year old mini-poodle who seems perfectly balanced and happy except for what appears to be dog-phobia. He is a new adoptee so I do not know if he was ever acclimatized to other dogs or had some sort of traumatic experience, but on our daily leashed walks when other dog walkers...
  11. Groch

    Howdy from George & Shadow

    I was thrilled to find this great forum of dog lovers....I am a recent convert. I had a cocker spaniel that I loved as a kid (50 some years ago) but was too tied up with work and other not really so important things to get another dog until last summer. I now work from home and figured that...
  12. Groch

    Dog buried alive rescued...will be fine. One of the most dreadful stories I have heard, but with a happy long as they catch the perpetrator. Clicking on the photo gives a good view of this beautiful dog. Hard to imagine it...