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  1. SharkyX

    For Zoom: The Alaskan Husky (and other ramblings!)

    Ok well this is a branch off a topic that's coming up in my thread in the news section relating to an article title Sled Dogs are Super Dogs. It's all coming up now as discovery chanel, last year asked Lance Mackey and several others to put cameras in there sleds to record the adventure so they...
  2. SharkyX

    Why Sled dogs are Super Dogs Thought I'd post for anybody that's interested to read. 10 year study on more then 5,000 sled dogs from Oklahoma State University's Center for Veterinary Health Sciences.
  3. SharkyX

    Which would you rather

    Well I figure I post here enough that I can ask for marketing advice without looking like a troll :p So I'm trying to figure out a promotion for the month of september for dog food (I sell it... more specialized atheletics stuff with higher protien and fat). Which would you like better...
  4. SharkyX

    Well that's my website address. I sell Athletic dog food, dog power sports supplies (harness', lines and so forth) and a few other generic items like collars, leash dog coats and so forth. If you live in Canada you'll be hard pressed to find a better deal on ManMat's equipment as I'm the...
  5. SharkyX

    How many generations back do you look?

    Well I'm curious (no I don't have any intentions of breeding right now my dogs are fixed :p). I've been reading a bunch on genetics and have had more then a few people mention they don't look back more then 2-3 generations because the decision to breed a dog should be based much more on the...
  6. SharkyX

    Dog food came in

    Well... for those of you that read Jenn's hyped up post... Our first delivery of food just came in. 2 palettes, one of each brand (Momentum and Pursuit). 35 bags of food per palette. That totals about 2800 lbs of dog food at our house right now :p snapped a shot really quick with my...
  7. SharkyX

    Banning Without Definition

    I thought this wasn't a half bad article about Ontario's supposed breed ban. From Today Ottawa Citizen
  8. SharkyX

    Here's how Mattel plans to distract from lead toys Seems like they are trying to bring news about them that will paint them in a good light by trying to get rid of this one website that's bringing evil to the good name of barbie... so lets all forget about magnets that you can swallow and...
  9. SharkyX

    Greens + and other supposed Super Foods

    Just wondering about some of these things as I, like a huge portion of the population don't always eat all my vegetables :p I know that in some situations drinking vegetable juices etc. is a great way to get servings of vegetables you might otherwise miss(V8 for example... although I'm not...
  10. SharkyX


    Just wondering if anybody else out there participates in Canicross? For those that don't know, it's very similar to skijoring in the equipment required, harness, line and belt however you only need one dog and the ability to run/jog :)
  11. SharkyX

    Weight Pull Points

    Just wondering what the IWPA weight pull points go towards when you earn them? Looking into weight pull with my dog Princess as she has alot of power but not as much speed as Tyr, making them a bit of a mis matched skijor team. Just not finding as much as I'd like clarification on. For...
  12. SharkyX

    Chinese food and drug agency hands down punishment!

    Well... you know how we're always saying we wish there would be harsher sentences for tainting the dog food in regards to menu foods and such... well I think China one uped what we were all thinking
  13. SharkyX

    Celebrity Look alikes

    Well I ran one of my pics that I happened to have a picture of my dog Princess in... and it highlighted her face to... so I figured I absolutely have to post this with her results! I thought that was to funny :p
  14. SharkyX

    Attacks of various species

    I've noticed something, reading the various articles that people post in the news forum, about the general way that people tend to react to various types of animal attacks. I spend alot of time reading about predatory animals, and many of them are very capable and frequently do, attack and...
  15. SharkyX

    How on earth can this be comfortable

    No I didn't break my dogs spine and take a picture... he was actually laying like this so I took out my phone and took a pic really quick before he hoped up and wanted outside! I don't understand how being folded up like a pretzel can be comfortable for him! lol
  16. SharkyX

    Figured I finally better say hello

    Well I've been posting and lurking here for a bit so I figured I'd finally actually write out my hello. I was introduced to this forum by SummerRiot, and if you see her referencing Tim, or theres a guy (who apparently doesn't smile enough) in her pictures with he, he is me (And rather happy...
  17. SharkyX

    Pics of my dogs

    Well SummerRiot has posted a few for me, but I thought I'd put some up myself! Us on the scooter just coming home from our run around the subdivision. the three of us And again More below
  18. SharkyX


    Thought I'd post for fun. My dad standing holding a camera as my dogs and I start one of our scooter runs, this one was taken November 25th Just gives an idea of the speeds :) EDIT: Here's us coming back