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  1. jacensolo

    stop when they pull

    That's what I try to do with Jack and it doesn't seem to bother him that we stopped. He doesn't pull excessively when we're stopped, but he keeps the leash tight. So then I tried moving backwards instead and it worked better, he would keep the leash loose for about 10-20 seconds, but he just...
  2. jacensolo

    When should I make the transition from one requirement to the next?

    So I decided to teach jack to put socks in the sock basket (I will add clothes later) and I just started to teach him today in one session to bite the sock. I was surprised that after about 5 times he did it 9/10 times. I stopped counting after that but he it every time I told him. Should I do 1...
  3. jacensolo

    Dog book on clicker training

    I am looking for a good book on clicker training. One that doesn't really tell the clicker philosophy and ideas. I know that. I guess I need a training book, kind of like an advanced guide. I'm ruling out culture clash cause it's not so much about how to train the dog, but to use the clicker...
  4. jacensolo

    When and how do I add the verbal cue?

    He must not have been hungry because on our third training session for the day I used regular dog food and he worked hard for only one piece at a time. I noticed he's still confused about if his head should be all the way down so I'm going to not add the verbal cue until maybe late tomorrow or...
  5. jacensolo

    When and how do I add the verbal cue?

    I want bam to be the cue, not the marker. The clicker was the marker until he learned what he was doing. I bet if I try his favourite treat (hot dog slices) he will learn faster than using popcorn.
  6. jacensolo

    When and how do I add the verbal cue?

    I finally got a new clicker (lost my old one) and started teaching Jack how to play dead (or lay on his side). He caught on really fast. Before I tried not using the clicker and he couldn't figure out why he was getting a treat. So I phased out the clicker and started using the word "bam". He...
  7. jacensolo


    I think you meant Puppy Kong
  8. jacensolo

    Pics of my dogs

    Did the princess just get finished playing her Xbox 360?
  9. jacensolo

    Questions about "pay attention" and clicker training in general!

    Should I start teaching him the cue before or after I start fading out the clicking?
  10. jacensolo

    Questions about "pay attention" and clicker training in general!

    I'm teaching Jack to pay attention and I'm wondering a few things. First I'll tell you how I'm teaching it. I'll hold the treat out and wait for him to look at me in the eyes and click then treat. The amazing thing is he seems to have caught on for the most part already (1 session). He isn't...
  11. jacensolo

    Puppy vs. ice

    Haha, congratulations Voodoo for the first encounter. We have Ice hear too (I think it's all across the Midwest). Jack knows what it is but he thinks it's fun to slip and slide. I threw his ball for him and he ran under it, ready to catch it like normal, but he couldn't stop lol. Te next time he...
  12. jacensolo

    Training a dog to FOCUS ON ME! (Distraction issue)

    My dad calls Jack "smelly dog". He just started out saying it for no reason, but recently Jack started to respond to it. :lol-sign:
  13. jacensolo

    Lucas in the snow

    We got snow around here too. It's not enough to play in though. Jack loves the snow, but I'm always afraid he will freeze.
  14. jacensolo

    Jack Russell Terriers

    I'm a first time dog owner and while I've had a few problems I've raised Jack pretty well. He knows commands and doesn't tear up furniture. He has a set of rules he has to follow around the house and he usually obeys them. I've worked with him a lot though. He is also very smart, and I'm...
  15. jacensolo

    Looking for Online Dog Games/Communities

    Remember to still play with your own dogs ;)
  16. jacensolo

    that tissue trick...

    I'm by no means a dog training expert and have never tried this before, but I've been reading and might be able to give some advice. If you use clicker training I would but the tissue in his mouth, click and treat. Keep on doing it until he starts to understand what he's doing right. Then put...
  17. jacensolo

    Day at the dog park (pics)

    I love the Jack Russell! It might be because I own one. They have such cool dogallities. (I realized personalities applied to people. Dogallities seemed like a much better fit.)
  18. jacensolo

    I'm both glad and sad

    I just started reading (and I mean just started) this book and so far it's pretty good. It has some good ideas. I'm going to read it some more and start learning come again. But I'm not going to say come, I need to think of a word that only I will know so it doesn't get misused by other...
  19. jacensolo

    I'm both glad and sad

    He's still going to smell the treats though, isn't he? I think if I have him osmehow look at my face then I can click and treat. That would work right? Eventually he will get it? But since he will always smell the treats he will know when they are there and when they are not there. How will...
  20. jacensolo

    what Do you recomend

    I don't have a husky but my dog's the exact opposite. He loves to swim in lakes and ponds but doesn't like pools. I think it's because he can just walk out of most ponds and lakes, but he can't find the stairs in pools and he's to short to step out.