Search results

  1. happy girl

    happy girl

  2. Santa's pet

    Santa's pet

  3. snow angel

    snow angel

  4. My Christmas baby

    My Christmas baby

  5. A


    My favourite show! I can't wait!
  6. 100_1535_-_compressed


  7. 100_1533_-_compressed


  8. Back from the groomer's - oh where did her beautiful hair go?

    Back from the groomer's - oh where did her beautiful hair go?

  9. Dexi hangin' with her pug cousin Roxy

    Dexi hangin' with her pug cousin Roxy

  10. Home from the groomer's...

    Home from the groomer's...

  11. Just loungin'

    Just loungin'

  12. Too funny!

    Too funny!

  13. Munching on a doggie bagel!

    Munching on a doggie bagel!

  14. Sprawled out!

    Sprawled out!

  15. A

    New puppy owner!

    Hi there...I'm new to the site and really learning a lot from the threads I've been reading. We've had our shipoo puppy for over a month (she's now about 18 weeks old) and we just love her to pieces! Her name is Dexi. See pictures attached.
  16. Dexi


    Right at home...
  17. Dexi


    Still playing with her toys...
  18. Dexi


    Tired from all the playing!
  19. Dexi playing with her toys

    Dexi playing with her toys

    She likes to keep all of her toys together!
  20. Dexi


    Dexi, our three-month old shipoo, enjoying the sun in our backyard.