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  1. O

    I think Ella is getting a lick granuloma

    Was doing some searching for this illness and stumbled upon this thread. Did your pup's elbows ever get any better? I am having a terrible time dealing with the same thing. First it started as just concrete elbows, then progressed into obsessive compulsive licking. I treated it with...
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    How good are you at remembering faces?

    Recognition Score: 100% Temporal Memory Score: 91% Thought 2 faces from part 1 were in part 2 :( No other errors. I have poor memory on names though :o
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    Are you a morning person?

    Around 4:30 everyday like clockwork.
  4. O

    Update on dog park fight case

    I would want to execute those punks... Perfect example of why concealed carry should not be outlawed.
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    Where can I buy a really long, light leash?

    Check out Nylon coated with leathery/rubbery material. Very durable and light. I have the line for about 3 years now and not a scratch. Although a leash from that material only lasted me only 2.5 years of daily use.
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    leg lifting blues...

    My guy peed like a girl until he saw a neighborhood Dalmatian lift his leg... From that point on, he always lifts his leg to pee on tree's. Still pees like a girl on grass though :D He's intact though, just had a vasectomy done.
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    One word

    Lazy :)
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    Does your dog have the typical temperment?

    Some things came up in real life, did not have time to go on internets :D:)
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    Does your dog have the typical temperment?

    My generally follows the breed standard for behavior, but he has a few quirks that he got from me :D
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    What is your hobby?

    Recently I spend about 2 hours each night reading The Economist. About 15 pages per night I would say. Very enlightening.
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    Ripken's (aka Savage) 1st Hog Hunt

    Great pictures :D
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    Describe your dog's "beauty sessions"

    About an hour each month for baths. After the bath I need the whole day to get my strength back. He hates bathing. Have a nice rake to get his undercoat once a week for about 20 minutes.
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    Intact dogs = abuse?

    Intact dogs abuse? rofl.... What a joke.
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    Question: When is enough enough?

    We love you too. :confused:
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    Kona scared off a HUGE raccoon

    Be careful with raccoons, especially big one's like that. They can easily hurt a dog.
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    Question: When is enough enough?

    May Day, is national holiday in alot of Europe as a world day of solidarity of working people. This hijacking by mexicans isnt nice.
  17. O

    Quick question for you all

    Usually its 20$ for general check up. But since we've been going to him for many years now he does ours free alot of times. Obviously have to pay for all medications, etc. 40$ per month for hartguard and advantage.
  18. O

    How do you know if your puppy is dominant?

    If its a puppy under 8 months of age, I wouldnt care ;) Just keep going through the basics of establishing yourself as a leader through training and other positive means. I agree that dominance term is over used very often and in wrong places.