Recent content by thebigcheese

  1. T

    Weird spam

    Were they all from the same email address i.e. repeat messages, or were they all from different sources? Bit of a strange spam blast to receive haha.
  2. T

    Black Widows

    I would definitely seek professional help if this is an ongoing problem. Killing a single spider or two is only a short term solution. Hope you don't run into any trouble... good luck!
  3. T

    How long did it take for you to fall in love with you SO?

    I think this is highly subjective and it'll be different for every person. In this sense there's no "right" answer. I'm not married but I've been in a relationship for 5 years, we were friends at first for about 6 months. It just sort of naturally turned into a romantic relationship. So there...
  4. T

    Finding Yourself?

    Go with what makes you happy, you're not harming anyone and life is too short not to take these decisions.
  5. T

    What is your favourite website?

    Lots of interesting responses. It seems that reddit is a big favorite amongst the people here. Sorry I've not been back to respond sooner!
  6. T

    What is your favourite website?

    Just wondering what people's favourite website is? I would go with Wikipedia personally, so many times you can get lost jumping from one resource to another. PS we all love facebook and google so maybe try and go for your 2nd favourite site! lol
  7. T

    Eating in bed?

    Usually only when I come home from a night out drinking. Then I'll wake up in the morning to a disgusting stale food smelling room. Just a nice little kick to add to the hangover haha.
  8. T

    Anyone up for a chat?

    I didn't even know this site had a chat room haha. It's pretty unnoticeable tucked away up there. Might see you in there one day!
  9. T

    why NYC cops should emulate the brits

    Gun crime is a huge issue in the US, it's such a controversial topic that will almost certainly never be solved. It's too far integrated into the legal and cultural system now to do much about it.
  10. T


    Hey, thanks for the nice introduction. i'm sure you'll love it here! Welcome aboard
  11. T

    Barefoot Running

    Ah no worries then! Glad you're getting some exercise and actually enjoying it :)
  12. T

    What's Your Poison?

    Movies, my house is awash with DVDs. I've not moved onto blu-ray yet but once the price is down I will!
  13. T

    Barefoot Running

    You'll probably find that the skin on your feet will thicken up pretty fast if you continue to run barefoot. If you don't mind having rough + thick skin then it'll be fine. Just something I thought I should flag up as a consideration :)
  14. T

    Healthy meals/ideas for clueless college student!

    I always find a stir fry or thai curry is a really tasty yet healthy way to eat. Just get some shredded veg, beansprouts, noodles and meat then stir fry it all up with the cooking sauce of your choosing. Good luck on your quest to health!
  15. T

    Funny videos

    Nice share thanks. I always think that show seems like it is from ages ago (just the style it's shot in) I never would have guessed it's as recent as 2011!