Recent content by pooch1041

  1. P

    Do you show off your pet?

    So Creative ADORABLE!!! Your dogs are beautiful! It's been so great reading all the pet stories and advice provided in this forum. From what I've gathered, pictures are probably the number one way to flaunt your pet. Not only are there so many pictures posted on, but also on...
  2. P

    Take your pet everywhere! allows you to create your own cell phone skin. You can upload pictures of your pet to decorate all kinds of devices: cell phones, mp3 players, laptops, gaming consoles and more. I've ordered a few since they're so budget-friendly and I can vouch for the high quality! My phone...
  3. P

    Peticure Nail Device?

    OH! and I just watched the video that shows how it can hurt a dog to clip nails. Is is true how little room you have to avoid hurting them?
  4. P

    Peticure Nail Device?

    I've never heard of this! I'd be interested to hear if anyone has used this as well?
  5. P

    Why your puppy needs a TOY BOX

    What toys? This is GREAT ADVICE! I've never come across tips for keeping your puppy from chewing your belongings. Are there certain toys that are better for a dog than others?
  6. P

    Do you show off your pet?

    I'm happy to show pictures of Oreo to just about anyone that's interested! We want to hear how you show off your pet! Do you carry pictures in your wallet? Post photos online? Frame pictures in your home? Tell us about it!