Recent content by pitbullfriends

  1. pitbullfriends

    What song(s) best describes your dog(s)?

    Kalypso the loner: Boulevard of Broken Dreams. and Kratos the empty headed happy dog: Carnival Music
  2. pitbullfriends

    Wolf dog as prison guard?

    even if they were good guard dogs, dogs are territorial and designed to keep things from entering their territory not from leaving it. Seems like a silly solution to me should have just worked with the owner and let him keep it.
  3. pitbullfriends

    Dog tags... and Breaking Bad...

    This is a great idea that just prompted me to make a custom tag for my dog that says "SONS", thats a common word on the clothing from the Sons Of Anarchy which is my favorite show, don't worry I also really like Breaking Bad but Sons of Anarchy really transfers to clothing better in my mind. Of...
  4. pitbullfriends

    Breeds your obsessed with RIGHT NOW?

    I have always been very into Pitbulls but lately I have been thinking about getting a new dog and going with something different, I want something small and cute.
  5. pitbullfriends

    Articles that portray Bully Breeds in a positive light

    Any good message about bully breed dogs make me happy (especially pitbulls but really any dog that gets a bad rap in the media)
  6. pitbullfriends

    Sign Up For A Completely Free Dog Training And Dog Care E-Book.

    Please sign up here for your free copy of Dog Training And Dog Care E-Book The E-book will be sent straight to your email address. The Dog Training And Dog Care E-Book is almost 60 pages of comprehensive tips and secrets covering everything a dog or puppy owner needs to know about the...
  7. pitbullfriends

    Kids and dogs

    very well put together. That dog is way bigger than the kid, my dog seems to have a problem listening to my 7 year old which I have been unsuccessful at fixing. She isn't mean to my son or anything they get along great but if my kid tries to give my dog a command she doesn't listen to him.
  8. pitbullfriends

    Do your dogs play...

    my dogs never stop playing if I'm there or not they dont care
  9. pitbullfriends

    Vibes for Maddie, please?!

    Glad she is doing better, probably nothing but thats always scary when it happens.
  10. pitbullfriends

    How does your dog ask to go out?

    I have a bell hanging next to the front door that I trained them to ring. I just rang it when I took them out at first and in a few days they started doing it. Sometimes if I am in the living room with them they will just get up and then stand halfway between me and the door and stair at me.
  11. pitbullfriends

    Why could you not live with a breed?

    I could not live with a dog that needed to be taken to a groomer, some dogs require alot of specialized grooming, this is not for me its too much work. I also wouldn't want any dog that weighed over say 80 pounds cause its just to big for my place but thats more of a guideline than a rule I just...
  12. pitbullfriends

    I am a bad dog owner (and Mia holds grudges)

    lol I didn't know dogs could hold a grudge.
  13. pitbullfriends

    Do dogs dream?

    Yes dogs dream and yes scientist have measured the rem sleep patterns of dogs, in fact most advanced life dreams but the funniest part of it is when my dogs dream sometimes they will start a weird mimicked run in their dream or a weird muffled bark like their talking in their sleep, I find it...
  14. pitbullfriends

    Free KONGS!

    Thank you very much, my two pitbulls share a kong and now they can each have their own
  15. pitbullfriends

    Lioness Tries to Eat Baby

    Awww she just wants to play. I go to the zoo all the time and I have never been fortunate enough to see the lions (or any cats) that active and interesting in the day time, thats really cool.