Recent content by OlegZ

  1. O

    Shar pei / boxer mix is itchy ALL THE TIME

    Atopy is the most common type of dog allergy. Usually it may be mixed with a food allergy. The good idea to start with a non allergy diet and see results in two - three weeks. To stop itching quickly will only help hormones (like prednisone) or immunosupressants (like atopica) ((
  2. O

    Finest Dog Collars and stuff in Canada

    My wife operates dog supply online store - Majestic Collar There you can find a selection of collars, leashes, dog safety products from the world's top brands Just check it out
  3. O

    So this looks like a seizure?

    Looks like Canine Vestibular Disease, but I would suggest to check hormones and sugar as well How old is Buster?
  4. O

    What do you use to stuff Kongs?

    Peanut butter / cream cheese mix. Hmm.. and she is completely ignoring the Dingo cheesy threats! Have you ever seen it?
  5. O

    Doberman Family Photo

    Watta great family!
  6. O

    Tail Injury

    Could you share a picture? Sometimes dogs can hurt themselves in that area if they have an anal sac problem for example..
  7. O

    Hahaha too true

    Ha-ha! so funny and true.
  8. O

    Your Dogs Name: Why You Chose The Dog Name You Did

    We named our girl Dara because it easily rolls over the tongue and also in Slavic languages Dar means Gift
  9. O

    Chazhound's Collars of 2013 Thread

    Dara's polka dot collar by Hunter Take a closer look at Dara's textile/leather collar by Hunter (Germany). She looks sharp and we love it! Actually, we sell this stuff in Canada in our family operated webstore And we sell it only because we love it ourselves.
  10. O

    Question regarding the Lepto vaccine.

    I believe Lepto vaccine should be repeated every year to be sure that titres are high and dog is protected. Since leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease I would suggest to have it updated timely in areas where disease is common.
  11. O

    A family run!

    Great pikz! Awesome pride
  12. O

    Hi from Manitoba, Canada

    Thanks guys!
  13. O

    ACV For Cleaning Ears

    I would prefer to mix it with water still. Some dogs show a reaction on peroxide. Also, the good tip - to moisten the ear channel with olive oil afterwords
  14. O

    Jasper and Yarrow and friends

    These images are ready for a glance magazine! Like them