Recent content by Murrays

  1. M

    Was just curious

    Losing them is not an option :)
  2. M

    The smell of them when they were a puppy.

    The smell of them when they were a puppy.
  3. M

    My dogs been acting weird I think my step dad is raping her....

    My dog was once hit by a neighbor and whenever he sees him, you can see how scared he is. He backs off immediately with his tails down, even his head is bowing down. So I think your dad just hit her.
  4. M

    Was just curious

    I totally agree.
  5. M

    Loves the smell of a puppy

    Thinking about it, actually it is the puppy breath that I love smelling. What I usually do is I smell the puppy's nose and then I'd smell the mother's nose too just to differentiate. And then go back smelling the puppy's nose because I so love .. We're thinking the same about the solid food.
  6. M

    Loves the smell of a puppy

    I like that too, it's so soft.
  7. M

    Was just curious

    So it does happen, there are things we just can't control. Good thing she came back unscathed.
  8. M

    Loves the smell of a puppy

    That very distinctive smell of a puppy, smells very good and I love smelling them. Is it because they've never eaten or drink anything besides their moms milk. But how long do they usually smell that good before they smell like adult dogs?...
  9. M

    Was just curious

    Gps dog trackers are great so when your dog gets lost, you can track them easily. But who losses their dog?? Uh-oh, yeah there's dognappers too. Now I see where the suggestions about gps dog trackers came from.