Recent content by MissMutt

  1. MissMutt

    Just a little brag..

    I haven't been around on this board much, but my dog and I just wrapped up our first spring of agility trialing. In six days of trialing, Marge Qualified 8 out of 12 times, earning her two titles (NA and NAJ), and 2 legs towards a third title (OA), at four different trial sites. All but one...
  2. MissMutt

    What makes a good agility dog?

    I think a good agility dog is a careful combination of speed and accuracy. There are lots of speedy agility dogs out there who run their own course or knock bars, and there are slow, accurate dogs who run the course clean but can't make course time. Some people like the thrill of a...
  3. MissMutt

    First agility trial for green handler and dog...what a hoot!

    Hah.. reminds me of my first NADAC run too. We did Touch N Go, did the first 5 obstacles or so and then it was a straight tunnel.. she rocketed out of it and never looked back! AND we were outside so I was terrified :eek: That's okay, you both had fun, I noticed that at my next trial my dog...
  4. MissMutt

    How'd you know....

    We were doing full courses in class (usually broken in half with some treating in between, but they were AKC Excellent Level courses) before I even started to think about entering my first trial. I settled on a small NADAC trial for our first one - small trial, short day, training in the ring...
  5. MissMutt

    What breed for me?

    Thank you everyone! The GSD is definitely up there for me, they are a little on the big side but I have seen some smaller bitches that I think would fit the bill. Great dogs :) Smooth Collie - to be honest I've always overlooked them as not having the "look" that I like, but I think...
  6. MissMutt

    What breed for me?

    I did this on another forum I'm on, and most people were pretty spot-on with the replies. Since I'm new here, and what breed I will own in the future is still an uncertainty (I own a mix right now), I thought it'd be fun to ask, too. Things I want/don't want: - intelligence. A dog who...
  7. MissMutt

    Glass breeds of dogs

    Those are amazing! Show us more, please! :D :D
  8. MissMutt

    What brush to use on a boxer..

    I can vouch for the Four Paws Rubber Curry. That thing is GREAT!
  9. MissMutt

    GSD 1936 Germany Video

    What an awesome video!
  10. MissMutt

    random pics of bruno.

    He's adorable. Love that rich color! Is his ridge darker than the rest of him, or is it just the lighting?
  11. MissMutt

    Bubba Aging Well

    He looks great for a nine year old dog! I thought he was 5 or 6 looking at the pictures!
  12. MissMutt

    This whole tattling thing...

    Too funny, Laurelin.. your girls are such characters in their own right. :D
  13. MissMutt

    Last time to the dog park for Mary

    Gosh what a beautiful ol' dignified dog. Sorry her dog park days have ended, but like others said maybe she'll feel better when the weather cools down. Here's hoping so.
  14. MissMutt

    "'Cause I'm a pit bull" -- cute pro-pittie song

    I looove this song! :D
  15. MissMutt

    Action shots!

    On to Agility with you!!! I think he certainly is fit for it!