Recent content by lavenderlady5

  1. L

    Sa sad over my dog passing

    I wrote about a week ago or so about my baby Bently passing away. I am still crying. I know you can all understand that. Also, I cannot get some things out of my mind that make it worse. You see, my husband and I got a call to go out of town (2000) miles as my mum has been sick and they didn't...
  2. L

    My baby has passed away

    My baby Bently has passed away after a fierce bout with cancer. My heart is broken. I just can't seem to get motivated about anything. I just have no energy. Worst of all, he passed when we were not home. WE ARE ALWAYS HOME!! I feel guilty and so sad that he passed on without someone there to...
  3. L

    Dogs in the garbage!

    Two of our dogs constantly go through our garbages. They are looking for everything from yucky food to dirty kleenexes. They are not particular about which garbage cans they draw from, nor do they care if we are in the next room! Before we go out we try to put the kitchen garbage out of paw...
  4. L

    Lab pooped in bathtub

    Shower Poop Funny how some dogs just know... funny story and glad you could see the humor in it too. One of our dogs is the same way. He knows when he has done wrong, but maybe it couldn't be helped, like knocking something down with his tail and he will lay low. Glad he found such a nice home!!
  5. L

    The chew flu

    Our youngest who is 6 has in the past week, knawed his way through two $20 dollar leads and has eaten the pocket of my husband's pants in his search for used kleenexes. He has plenty of chew toys around the house. He goes for a nice run every day. He will eat anything in the garbage. When we...
  6. L

    Muzzles 101

    Redhotdob, You are right on. My boy is exactly like yours!! I don't think he wants to hurt them but I agree it is intimidation. Well if we ever meet on the walk we'll know each other. Just watch for the two ballistic dancers!!! LL
  7. L

    Muzzles 101

    thanks Thanks for all of your help. I did wonder if it would make him worse as he would feel defenseless. I shall not do it then. I can't imagine him off lead. He is getting better, but it has taken lots of work. Thanks again.
  8. L

    Muzzles 101

    dog I wasn't expecting my dog to play, I just wanted to question how restrictive the muzzle was. I take my dog to quiet areas, but no matter where I go, there are dogs around. That is why I wondered about muzzles. My dogs do drink during walks though....
  9. L

    Muzzles 101

    I know nothing about muzzles other than seeing them on dogs. I have a dog that i don't necessarily trust around other dogs. He has issues. He is never off lead but when he sees a dog he goes ballistic. I am worried that if he ever gets lose I could have a big problem on my hands. Can they...
  10. L

    His paw is a chew toy!

    One of our dogs Licore, chews on his paw. He is 6 years old. He chews on the same paw each time. He treats it like a chew toy. You can hear him across the room. We have had the paw looked at by the vet and x rayed. Nothing. If you try to pull him off of it he just goes right back to crunching...
  11. L

    Excuse me for asking? (Not for children under 11)

    Same boat as you Our Bently has cancer and at one point they didn't think he would make it through the weekend. We packed all kinds of goodies up and went to our cabin for the weekend. That was 2 months ago and he gets better everyday. The way I think do it is that Bently gets all kinds of...
  12. L

    Eating way too fast

    thank you Thanks for all of your suggestions! I will try the cake pan. Right now, I am either feeding him by hand or taking his bowl away at intervals! LL
  13. L

    Eating way too fast

    One of our boys, Licore eats very, very quickly. We got Licore when he was 9 months old. He was starving and eating dog poop when we got him. He is 6 now and still eats like I am going to take it away from him. He has his two brothers and they all eat at the same time. Licore is about 95 pounds...
  14. L

    Do you celebrate your pets birthday?

    Oh yes, birthdays! We celebrate the day we brought our guys home. We usually get a big ham and each of the three get a hunk of it. Therefore, it is like having three birthdays a year. With Bently fighting cancer right now. We have a birthday for him every weekend because two weeks ago they gave...
  15. L

    One of my favorite things......

    Thanks for making me laugh! I thought my guys were the only lead tuggers in town. Bently wanders around like crazy. We have had him to beh lessons, private lessons etc., but to no avail. Thank goodness he doesn't usually care about other dogs. Dougall pulls until he sees another dog and then...