Recent content by Kye&Rio

  1. Kye&Rio

    dog afraid of toys

    How do you react when she's acting afraid? Your responses to her actions are very important here. For example: if she's acting afraid of the toy, and you're holding it out to her trying to encourage her to take it, you're only reinforcing that the toy actually is a scary thing. When we try to...
  2. Kye&Rio

    My Foster Dog Update

    I hope it goes well!
  3. Kye&Rio

    I may be down to only 3 dogs soon....

    I don't suppose getting him pooped right out before bed time might calm his urges? At least maybe he'd be too tired :p I've never dealt with intact critters really so I don't know if his drive will overcome his pooped-ness, lol. Earplugs all the way, one of my kittens is in heat (spay in...
  4. Kye&Rio

    Another question, how much will gender matter?

    I have two female dogs, and we all get along fine! Like has been said though, it all has to do with the dog. I've never had a male dog before, never had any dogs or much experience with them before these two, but unless my next dog "falls" into my lap again and is female, I would like a...
  5. Kye&Rio

    Ideas on Kye?

    You really think so? Because I see Nyah in Kye like crazy.
  6. Kye&Rio

    Vomiting undigested dry food

    You're welcome! Hope he settles in and feels better.
  7. Kye&Rio

    Vomiting undigested dry food

    Did you just bring him home? Which food caused him to break out? Does he have allergies? What are you feeding now? Sorry, just trying to understand better :) Kibble usually takes at least 10-12 hours to digest completely, so I don't think that part is a huuge cause for concern. Of course, if...
  8. Kye&Rio

    Opinions needed! TV/Movie animals...

    I never noticed that! But I did notice Ginger had a different blaze about four times. Totally hafta watch that again :)
  9. Kye&Rio

    Ideas on Kye?

    As far as I could ever tell, with mixes size seems to be pretty irrelevant half the time...Rio is a bc/husky and although she's stocky she's only in the 30ish pound range. Yeah that's what she seems to be. Any insight as to which of the hound variety? lol. I know it's hard to tell really.
  10. Kye&Rio

    Ideas on Kye?

    So here's my Kye, I adopted her November 28, 2008 from the St. Paul Animal Shelter. My vet record says she was born July 2, 2008 but I've been given two different dates, so sometime in July is the verdict on that. She weighs about 47 pounds and measures 27 inches around the deepest part of...
  11. Kye&Rio

    What should I do?

    If it makes me feel better, can I compare it to my brother and I only visiting Dad one-on-one to make the visit more...enjoyable? :p that kinda makes me feel better. It's almost like I needed to hit that rock bottom of "I can't do any more for her than I have, someone else needs to take over...
  12. Kye&Rio

    What should I do?

    Um..Good Owners, Great Dogs by Brian Kilcommons and Sarah Wilson. Familiar with them at all?
  13. Kye&Rio

    What should I do?

    I've been looking at this book, and it's more about teaching the human how to deal with the dog, I think. I'm in a wierd mind frame right now, kinda. All morning I was completely devastated that okay, this might be what I have to do, but now, I have this book, it was a gift to use as a tool...
  14. Kye&Rio

    This lady deserves to be hammered

    Well at least she got both child cruelty and animal cruelty...I couldn't even really imagine how tramautic that would have been for that boy.
  15. Kye&Rio

    What should I do?

    I wish we had a "thank you" button!