Recent content by hiwaygal

  1. H

    Care to help me with a project?

    This forum: was extremely helpful and supportive for me with my diabetic dogs.
  2. H

    Beware of dog signs!

    Years ago I had a Beware of Dog sign up in my window - yes, I knew my dog was not friendly with strangers and my thoughts were to protect us both, but also to warn emergency workers should something happen and I was not able to tell them he wasn't friendly. My homeowners insurance cancelled...
  3. H

    Where do you keep your dog stuff?

    LOL! That's what mine do. Daisy has to find the *right* bone to chew. Never mind that for all intents and purposes, they're all the same! She will pull out every single one 'cause she always wants the last one. And Joose can't decide which toy he likes best. Whichever one he has right...
  4. H

    I fear for the Malinois breed...

    Have it end up okay for whom? The person, or the dog? I know I'm new here and certainly don't have any problem with folks being especially concerned about "their" breed (in this case, the Malinois). But in taking a look at the shelters around here - it's all pits and pit mixes (thank you...
  5. H

    I fear for the Malinois breed...

    Much of the discussion here would apply to any and all breeds of dog, it's not just limited to the Malinois. The general public is SOOOOO misinformed about dogs in general.
  6. H

    I fear for the Malinois breed...

    I think that a lot of the discussion in this thread (and the points being made) aren't limited to the Malinois breed alone. Heck, *most* people wouldn't be able to tell a Malinois from a GSD if they were standing side by side. People in general get dogs they don't know how to handle, they...
  7. H

    Where do you keep your dog stuff?

    We're supposed to ORGANIZE their stuff???:confused:
  8. H

    Trike needs vibes..

    Hope it's nothing serious, but if it's diabetes it's not so tough to manage.
  9. H

    Who would care for your dog?

    LOL! Are we related?!?!?! :rofl1: If it were just me, then my husband would take care of the dogs (although I'm not sure who would take care of HIM). If it were both of us, I'd want them to go to my brother.
  10. H

    Another noobie!

    I'm a bit of a message board junkie and found this board so thought I'd join! My husband and I have two dogs - Daisy our 13 year old golden mix and Joose (short for Beetlejoose) our 1 year old pom mix. We adopted Joose in January after losing two dogs in 18 months. It sucks when they get...