Recent content by Feebee

  1. F

    YES!!! I talked her into it!!!

    I not intending on breeding my Westie Archie but I wouldnt risk his life for no reason. I completely understand why it needs to be done and agree that it make huge differences in dogs but I suppose I am lucky that Archies tempremant is so calm and non aggresive. It just worries me so much cos...
  2. F

    YES!!! I talked her into it!!!

    Can I just ask why you are so glad to get your dog neutered?
  3. F

    Is it DANGEROUS? Owning "intact" males

    The vets do mention to me when I take Archie in about getting him done. Annoys the **** out of me. So I tell them my views, cant argue with someones opinion eh! I take full responsibility for Archie and would never ever let him out of site never mind roam, makes me sick to think of him out...
  4. F

    A good small breed... any suggestions?

    Cairns are Scottish, like Westies and Scotties. They were all bred together in days long ago. The Scottie is the biggest boned, then the Westie and the cairn is the smallest. Certain bottles of Whisky have the Scottie and the Wesite on them. Orignally all Westies were the colour of cairns...
  5. F

    A good small breed... any suggestions?

    Terriers are brill dogs to own, small but just dont realise it! lol. I own a westie and they are so clever and so heart felt cute. Terriers are hardy dogs tho and need a lot of walking, they certainely no lap dogs. Remember tho westies are white (I have a never ending battle of trying to keep...
  6. F

    Best family dog breed

    not convinced What a horrible thing to have to be faced with. its a tough decision all round. I am of the opinion that any dog can be trained to behave unless it has had major bad experiences with humans in the past. Some labs are very excitable till they reach roughly one and a half years...
  7. F

    Disturbing The Neighbors - Really Need Some Help!

    I moved in to my flat not so long ago and Archie barked at all the new noises which I can agree with you is such a worry. I must say he is much better now just through time to get used to noises but I def agree that you should distract by giving a treat. it will all settle down so try not to...
  8. F

    Well Crap!

    Lol, cant turn your back for a sec eh! I am also babysitting for my nieces tonight and although I have had no bleeding its Auntie Fiona can I get a drink, Auntie Fiona I'm hungry, all whilst they should be in bed. They know who is a soft touch eh! Bless them though, they melt my heart.
  9. F

    Dog breeds you would never own

    Hey candace loves pebbles, you are a prime example of what I mean about what you hear about different breeds. Folks think wee dogs are yappy and spoilt, folks thing staffies and pit bulls are vicious. Dont listen to any of it, every staffie I have ever known is the softest, kindest dog you...
  10. F

    Dog breeds you would never own

    Hey gaddy, I see your post that you wouldnt have a Westie, they do get bad press for being barky and easily distracted. I am the proud owner of one and can honestly say that he is a brilliant dog to own. In the past I have been a collie and lab lover but i live in a flat now so couldnt...
  11. F

    Is it DANGEROUS? Owning "intact" males

    dont ever be pressurised by your Vet! Does he know your dog like you do! NO! Only do what you feel what is right for your dog.
  12. F

    I bought my dog from a backyard breeder.

    You maybe did buy your dog from a back yard breeder but if you hadnt and the pups get older what would these people do!!!!! Put them out in the woods and dump them!!!You have saved your dog and always remember that. Dont be ashamed. None of us can do anything until the law changes on such...
  13. F

    How to deal with a back yard breeder/puppy miller

    I agree with all of you, I have a back yard breeder in my street. It disgusts me that these lab dogs are used entirely for breeding and for the money in the owners pocket. What would happen to these poor pups if dog lovers like us didnt buy them!!!! At least if folk buy them 90% of them will...
  14. F

    Is it DANGEROUS? Owning "intact" males

    Hey red, Here is my opinion for what its worth. You know your dog better than anyone so only you can decide. My opinion is if your dog is calm and doesnt run then you shouldnt run the risk of the operation. If on the other hand your dog is hard to control and escapes from you then you...
  15. F

    I killed the dog... Ooops.

    What fab photos, I love to see a dog so tired after exercise, makes me feel that they have everything they could possibly want out of life. Many folks have dogs and look after them well but dont get them out enough. You will all know thru your own dogs how much they love to get out and run and...