Recent content by dogtrainingpro

  1. dogtrainingpro


    Drooling, like many behaviors dogs may perform, can be a sign of ill health. Depending on the consistency, frequency, and time that a dog drools, it could indicate different health issues. Here are some of the most common health issues to be present when a dog is drooling. MOUTH AND THROAT...
  2. dogtrainingpro


    WEANING Starting from three to four weeks of age, puppies begin to crave more nutrients and calories than milk alone can provide. However, they’re not quite ready to eat solid dog food yet! As well as this, a sudden upgrade from milk replacer to solid puppy food would cause diarrhea and an upset...
  3. dogtrainingpro


    Newborn Puppy Nutrition Health Concerns in Newborn Puppies Signs Your Newborn Puppy Needs to See the Vet Newborn Puppy Growth and Development Stages Newborn Puppy Care Newborn puppy care is an exciting and daunting job to take on. During their first few weeks of life, puppies develop fast and...
  4. dogtrainingpro

    What is Ethoxyquin, does it affect the health of dogs?

    Ethoxyquin is a commonly found preservative in dog food. Dog foods with fish meal will typically contain ethoxyquin , because the U.S. Coast Guard requires that all fish meal transported by boat be treated with ethoxyquin, according to USDA (PDF). Ethoxyquin was originally developed as a...
  5. dogtrainingpro

    Homemade Chicken Jerky Recipe For Dogs

    If you’re looking for a chicken jerky recipe that’s easy, healthy, and one your fur baby will love then you need to try this one! Don’t have a dehydrator? Don’t worry. Today, we’ll be using an oven to dry out our chicken strips. Plus, I’m sharing a few ways you can bump up the nutritional value...
  6. dogtrainingpro


    Keep your dog healthy and fit with this easy peasy homemade recipe – it’s cheaper than store-bought and chockfull of fresh veggies! That’s when I started to do some research on homemade dog food, and I have been so amazed as to how many different kinds of vegetables dogs can have , you can...
  7. dogtrainingpro

    Why You Should Give Your Dog Yogurt

    Improved gut health is just one reason to feed your dog this nutrient-packed food. Yogurt has a long, storied history, going all the way back to the Neolithic peoples of Central Asia, around 6000 BC, when herdsmen began milking their animals. Back then, storage containers were made from the...
  8. dogtrainingpro

    10 “People” Foods for Dogs

    10 people foods that dogs can eat to provide a fun variety and a great nutritional boost! It's no rare fact that most dogs LOVE "people" food. Here's a list of the top 10 dog-approved "people foods" your dog can eat to increase the variety of their diet and give a nutritional boost! Can dogs...
  9. dogtrainingpro

    14 Tips for Puppy Potty Training Success

    14 Tips for Puppy Potty Training Success Teaching your new puppy where and when to “go” is a huge milestone in your relationship. In addition to reducing messy potty accidents, housetraining will bring you closer together while helping your furry friend learn the rules of home. Follow these...
  10. dogtrainingpro

    introduce yourself

    hello everyone, i'm a newbie this year i'm 29 years old my job is a dog trainer and i'm also studying nutrition and diet for dogs, i've learned a lot from video books... and so far I have had a lot of experience in dog raising.....
  11. dogtrainingpro

    Dog training and dog nutrition

    hello friends i am a new member and i introduce myself i am 29 years old i am a dog trainer and am very knowledgeable about dog nutrition, methods and diets that I cook for my dog myself without having to buy ready-made dog food, I enjoy doing it for my dog