Recent content by dogliriousJP

  1. dogliriousJP

    A "fetching" Catahouls Leopard Dog

    This is me and our 2-year-old Catahoula Leopard Dog, Riley, hanging out in downtown Atlanta playing fetch... YouTube - Riley the Catahoula Learns to Fetch
  2. dogliriousJP

    AlliePets Pet Portraits is live!

    Hi Allie, Your site looks great...and the collars are beautiful! Good luck with your online ventures!
  3. dogliriousJP - Dog Product Reviews, Discounts, and Advice

    We just officially launched, a site with independent product reviews, training tips, health & care advice, stories, and expert articles. Our mission is to engage, educate, and entertain dog lovers across the web. Oh, and I just have to show off our Riley, a 2-year-old Catahoula...
  4. dogliriousJP

    New member from Atlanta...and 2-year-old my Catahoula Leopard Dog

    Thx all! I'm very excited to have found this wonderful community of dog owners/lovers. I'll be sure to post more pictures and video of Riley very soon.
  5. dogliriousJP

    New member from Atlanta...and 2-year-old my Catahoula Leopard Dog

    Hello all! I'm very excited to be here. My 2 yr old Catahoula, Riley, is looking for some online friends, so we're happy to be here!! Here's my Riley *trying* to get some sleep on the couch...