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  1. D

    Homeless Animals

    Thank you, these pictures are priceless! I'll take any more if anyone has some for me. Thanks
  2. D

    What type of bones/treats do you feed?

    I give the boys max mini bones as a regular treat. I also keep apples on hand for a special treat but I don't do this all the time.
  3. D

    Homeless Animals

    Hello, I am trying to create an online video to raise awareness of homeless animals and I need some pictures. If you have a picture of a dog (or cat) that you got from a shelter I would love to use it in the video. Any picture would do, but I think a nice picture of the face would have a...
  4. D

    Wow...are the dead really dead?

    Very interesting article. Shows you that we still have a lot to learn, even when we "know everything"
  5. D

    Nanny Nanny Boo Boo

    Millie is a very smart dog. My parents hang a bell on the doorknob and she will ring the bell when it's time to go out. To break the fence she will stand on her hind legs and hop over. That way she stays out of the electric barrier (or whatever it is called)
  6. D

    Nanny Nanny Boo Boo

    We recently had my parents visit and they brought their Border Collie mix (Millie) with them. We were worried at first that she wouldn't get along with our Papillion, Chase but they ended up getting along beautifully. Dakota, our lab, gets along with everyone. Anyway when my parents got home...
  7. D

    male vs female - what do you perfer?

    I grew up with females, never males. Then I married a wonderful woman that only ever had males. Now I love both... but we have males
  8. D

    A Terrible Death

    I didn't even know it was sick...
  9. D

    This weather...

    We just started to get hot here is South Florida, but it is very dry.
  10. D

    I'm back

    Welcome back... it's been a while since I've been here too :)
  11. D

    diggin' in the dirt.. with pics! Help!

    That's a very cute dog, but probably a little dirty :) I've had some success teaching some dogs to dig only in one spot, I've also had some failures trying to teach other dogs the same thing. I think it depends on the dog.
  12. D

    pics of my malamutes

    Very nice looking dogs. I love to see it when a dog gets the chance to run wide open like that!
  13. D

    Am I Crazy?

    It's very possible. We had a dog that did the same thing. I never did find out what did it, but the anal gland theory sounds good :)
  14. D

    My New Favorite Commercial

    My favorite commercial is where the guy is reading the paper and his wife asks him if her dress makes her look fat and he says "you betcha".
  15. D

    My gamer dog

    I sit on the floor sometimes when I am playing games. Dakota always thinks I'm down there to play games with him. Hard to finish an entire game with him pushing his cold nose into me all the time.