Recent content by dandandat

  1. D

    Car close call

    Ive read the symtoms of bloat, she does not apear to have any of them at this time. She drank some watter when we got home but not exesivly, and she's eaten seince and shows no signes that its been bad for her.
  2. D

    Car close call

    Hello all, My pooch and I where almost in a car accident today when someone ran a red light. We both had on our seat belts so nothing directly happened when we stopped short. But my pooch was notched about quite a bit I think, and maybe even hit her head in the seat or maybe the door as I...
  3. D

    Doesn't anybody want a Great Pyrenees?

    I was thinking of getting a Great Pyrenees, but I think I'll get a better bred one instead, who wants an old dog like that?
  4. D

    The Crisis of Pet Overpopulation

    If purebred dogs where not available to you, would you not get a dog at all?
  5. D

    The Crisis of Pet Overpopulation

    I’m glad you have done that, I was not judging you just pointing out a fact. Because you decided on a purebred dog this time around, you decided against another dog that will now go uncared for.
  6. D

    The Crisis of Pet Overpopulation

    I have already made the concession that working dogs – really dogs that work, are a benefit and reason for selective breading. I would argue breading dogs that will not be used for real work, but for things like showing or agility or just to better the line is not breeding. It is breeding to...
  7. D

    The Crisis of Pet Overpopulation

    Red_ACD_for_me, had you forgon wanting an ACD and decided the rescue any old mut from a shelter, the reputible breader would not have brought another dog into this world and a an unwanted dog would have been given a chance at a happy life. Instead the unwanted dog is stuck in a shelter and will...
  8. D

    The Crisis of Pet Overpopulation

    What does it mean to have a healthy dog? Humans are not subject to selective breeding and we consider ourselves healthy. Whiled animals are not subject to selective breeding and they get on just fine.
  9. D

    The Crisis of Pet Overpopulation

    By no means am I blaming breeders for the over population problem, but it would seem, as I have pointed out in my original post, they do have a part in exasperating the problem, and the concept of bettering blood lines seems to be a pore excuse in the face of actual living animals that go...
  10. D

    The Crisis of Pet Overpopulation

    Forgive me, I am dyslexic and so spelling is not my strong suit. I would humbly ask that you over look my disability. If my disability has made what I have written unclearly, please bring it to my attention so that I may correct myself. I would also ask that jokes not be made about my or anyone...
  11. D

    The Crisis of Pet Overpopulation

    I would argue that breading just one dog, aside from those used for work as Fran27 brought up, is wrong in the face of so many unwanted dogs. In that regard breeding being on the rise for any reason is trivial, the fact that the practices is done at all is the problem.
  12. D

    The Crisis of Pet Overpopulation

    About the working dogs I can agree, if they are really used for work. The diseases issue is a non-issue, these dogs for better or worse are already alive and will have the diseases they will have. Breeding new dogs will not alive the diseases of the dogs that already exist.
  13. D

    The Crisis of Pet Overpopulation

    The question I have is why is dog breading an acceptable behavior when there are so many animals already in existence in this world that are unwanted and uncared for? I understand the mantra of the legitimate breeder is “we bread to improve the bread” and that they claim to be accountable for...
  14. D

    The Crisis of Pet Overpopulation
  15. D

    Bell and potty question

    If you don’t mind door scratch, you can teach him to do that in place of the bells. Its what my wife and I did when our dog would only give obscure clues that she wanted to go out. All we did was stand on the out side of the door and placed her on the inside. Of course she wanted to be with us...