Recent content by cwebbatya

  1. cwebbatya

    What Kind Of (furbaby) Mom Are You?

    Sometimes co-sleeping! hahah just kiddign of course. This is too funny. Maybe you should make it into your avatar?..
  2. cwebbatya

    Complaint Free

    Jesse is most likely correct... but i think the economy needs somethign like this and it is a great idea! So many people are jobless and depressed because of it. Im going to spread the word and join
  3. cwebbatya

    Basset Hound

    That would make for one of the cutest avatars!
  4. cwebbatya

    3 pics that make me laugh

    The 1st one scares the BEjezuz out of me... :X
  5. cwebbatya

    Have you ever found a song....

    Yes!! omg yes!! And it touches your heart and everytime you hear it maybe you could cry. I tend to stay away from country though because its so depressing. I love Ms. Clarkson though, her music has touched me.
  6. cwebbatya

    Photoshoot ideas/examples please. 18th birthday..

    Maybe try to introduce your man into the photoshoot. Maybe he is jealous even though he says nothing :) Its hard to understand us men. haha
  7. cwebbatya

    My poor cousin

    I would imagine maybe with his certain story that they would just let him off with a drug test.. Is there documentation of him reporting the possibility of drugs to his RA at some point?
  8. cwebbatya

    stuff and things

    im stuck in the job market right now... careers are tough to find. :(
  9. cwebbatya

    Feeding-time at the Zoo

    holy smox! soooo cuteee! Does this happen a lot?
  10. cwebbatya

    Throwback Cartoons/Shows

    Omg Rugrats! and Hey ARnold! Wow what a great thread to bring back some memories. Although it really did make me kind of feel old again. :yikes: God I also enjoy these sweet smileys this forum has .. i mean come on you cant beat this one either :rofl1: haha
  11. cwebbatya

    Does your dog distroy its toys?

    Not too bad.. We usually stick to buying balls that way a dog really has to destroy it to wreck a tennis ball. Guess it depends on how big your dog is too..
  12. cwebbatya

    Dog powered cart

    That dog is in such great shape. What breed is that?
  13. cwebbatya

    Working shots

    Gorgeous cat is correct! sorry i jsut had to comment on the cat pics. AmazZZZinggg
  14. cwebbatya

    Happy donated prom dress story :)

    My gf is looking into donating her dress but not sure a good way of how to. A way to where she would know it got worn and not tossed into some nasty salvation army bin. She paid a fortune for it and wants it to go to some special event. Any ideas?
  15. cwebbatya

    Ugh my neighbors...

    I dont even mess around mannn. I call the cops I bet around twice a month and the other residents love that I have the guts to do it. Just do it. Nothing happens and they dont even know if it was you.