Recent content by crazy_paws

  1. crazy_paws

    Urgent dog transport asheville nc

    I can probably help. I live in right in Newton, NC. DM me and I can give you my phone # to text me. The dog would have to ride in a car with children though.
  2. crazy_paws

    To cut his hair or not

    I hardly ever post on here any more, but your little Puffer is adorable :). I'd pony-cut him and then let it grow back. I haven't met a Crestie yet who had a texture change after a shave.
  3. crazy_paws

    What blood group are you?

    I'm O-. I donate very frequently.
  4. crazy_paws

    Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

    Good to hear! I have been stopping the nursing for a short period and distracting him. I think we will be getting him an amber bead necklace. His teething really seems to bother him.
  5. crazy_paws

    Irrational Wants

    This for Gabe: SO MUCH!
  6. crazy_paws

    Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

    Has anyone tried the amber teething necklaces? Do they seem to help? Gabe is popping out teeth like a baby shark lately (8 in the past 2 months). Also, how to dissuade teething babies from biting while they are nursing? I've tried lightly tapping his nose, and I've tried blowing gently...
  7. crazy_paws

    Your dream honeymoon?

    We went on a Caribbean cruise. I have no complaints. It was wonderful spending that time bonding and exploring. The ideal honeymoon for me would be a European tour. London, Athens, Paris, etc, each for a few nights.
  8. crazy_paws

    Pick a city for me, too!

    My husband lived in Raleigh for a few years and loooovvveeddd it! We'd probably be there if we didn't have established careers here.
  9. crazy_paws

    Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

    What an adorable and tiny guy!
  10. crazy_paws

    Do you want kids?

    I'm actually taking a pump break as I type this, lol. Its definitely best to be informed but flexible. I was planning an all natural/no meds birth. It turned out Gabe was overdue, 9 lbs, breech, and couldn't be rotated. A c-section was our safest option. And it didn't matter. Having him...
  11. crazy_paws

    The Good News thread

    I had quite a good birthday yesterday in spite of having to work. So grateful to have good friends and a wonderful family :). Also, Gabe peed on his daddy and not on me this morning. LOL, it's the small things.
  12. crazy_paws

    Do you want kids?

    I was honestly unsure that I wanted kids. Inclined to no, and I wanted the situation to be perfect. I got married to a guy who definitely wanted to be a father, and I was still worried and unsure of myself as a parent. Then we got pregnant and had Gabe. Now, there is not a day that goes...
  13. crazy_paws

    Gnome on a leash!

  14. crazy_paws

    The Venting Thread

    One of my coworkers is so lazy. He does anything he can to reduce his work at the expense of everyone around him. Also, I get home late today. Bleck.
  15. crazy_paws


    I haven't heard of that before, but they do look similar. They were actually inspired by a small picture sketch that I found online, so that could be a distant influence for them :).