Recent content by chad88

  1. C

    Small Dogs or Big Dogs for Your Family

    My relatives all know how passionate we are about dogs, so they turn to for us for advice no what type of dog to get. Their first question is usually whether they should get a small dog or a big dog. That question is harder to answer than they think. As an example, my aunt asked us what type...
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    I've had two collies over the years and neither of them were inherent barking dogs. Nevertheless, they did have their moments and it depended so much on the scenario - stranger at the door being a good example of a barking episode. Generally though, I rarely had trouble with them barking.
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    Can dogs eat fruit??????????????????

    Because it's the seeds that tend to be the problem where fruit is concerned, and because passion fruit have plenty of seeds, it's probably advisable not to let a dog eat this fruit. Nevertheless, I had a dog who also had a penchant for passion fruit and he was as healthy as healthy can be...
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    Your Dogs Name: Why You Chose The Dog Name You Did

    I named one of my dogs Whisky - originally I'm from Scotland and the dog - a retired greyhound - was whisky in colour. Another dog I named Eva which arises from a girlfriend that I had many years ago and I loved her very much (I don't tell the wife, of course :) ). And yet another dog I named...
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    What star sign is your dog?

    Mine are Aries and Pisces, which is the same as myself and my partner. Oh well, not everything in life is going to be perfect now, is it? :eek: