What about me?

This was a picture of Merlyn originally but Caspian can't stand to be left out of anything.
He really does have a handsome face, doesn't he? Merlyn looks totally bored with the whole photo thing. Guess he doesn't care for "pupparazzi." (I am sooooo sorry for that one!)
I hate to brag but Caspian is a particularly handsome dog.(Well I think so anyway) I think by this stage Merlyn probably was finding the whole photo thing a bit tedious, but he's just sooo cute I can't resist but capture everything he does on camera.
Maybe THAT'S what's bothering him about the photography; he's afraid you're going to catch EVERYTHING he does! Even the best dog has a few naughty little secrets!
Great picture! Is Caspian a Saluki? I'm interested in these dogs because we've been told that our one dog who is a mix breed has got to have some Saluki in her and I've never heard of them before. They are beautiful dogs!

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