
Eskimo who loves the country!
Superb photo of a really handsome Husky! This photo ought to be on a calendar.
Sorry about that! I should have looked closer. You don't see as many Malamutes as Huskies for some reason. I kept a lovable, beautiful Malamute for a few weeks. She showed up on my doorstep dragging a logging chain. I wish she could've stayed with us, but she and Purdue, the ten year old German Shepherd I had at the time, refused to get along. Jealousy, of course, and at his age it wasn't fair to try to force the issue. I found her a home with a woman who had two little boys and a huge fenced yard. I knew I didn't have to worry about Ananda when I saw that they had a twin bed and brand new monogrammed food dishes for her when I took her to her new home. I do wish I could have kept her with me, though. We all fell in love with her.

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