pet training

Puppy Basic Beginners Course


teach dog

In The Beginning:

The ancient ancestors of our dogs were a form of prehistoric wolf. During the cave-dwelling period of our human ancestors, this wolf sub-species came in from the wild to begin a mutual beneficial alliance with humankind. Advantages in this arrangement were seen at once by both parties. The humans found useful natural abilities in the canine which they adapted to human use, i.e.; hunting, guarding, and draft work. The canines found equally useful natural abilities in their human companions...better ability to reason, a constant shelter and successful hunting partners.

The great, natural ability of the canines to adapt themselves to their environment, their human-companions' needs, and to the "mixed pack" behavior requirements, was the key to this human-canine relationship. The canine willingness to "please" and to grant the "pack leadership" to the human as well as canine "loyalty", became the lasting bond.

Today's scientific studies of canines have proven that their basic behavior traits have changed very little from those of their prehistoric ancestors. The domestic and wild canines still share many basic instinctive traits and group behavior patterns. Even with humankind's selective breeding programs of the domestic canine through the ages, humankind has added nothing to the "natural" design of the dog...merely enhanced certain qualities and decreased others, all of which, were there in the beginning.

Due to this fact, successful raising and training of the dog begins with the dog owner's complete knowledge and understanding of their canine companion as well as their ability to use dog psychology. Those dog owners with greater knowledge, understanding and "natural" ability will have greater success with their dogs.

Training Foundation:

Correct use of the "tools" of knowledge and understanding of the canine, plus applied canine psychology are the keys to establishing the foundations of the human-canine relationship and from there, the foundations of a working dog. The wise dog owner learns all they can about their canine companion... through reading books, magazines, etc... talking to pros such as dog trainers, dog handlers, dog breeders, and attending dog training courses.

Once the dog owner knows how the dog thinks, acts, reacts and communicates, they are better able to cope with raising and training their dog properly.

All dog training stems from the basic relationship between the dog owner and the dog. Nothing can be achieved until there is an established bond and mutual understanding. The basic canine behavior traits and knowledge of what motivates the canine become "training aids" for the dog owner. Understanding the basic social interactions of the canine pack becomes the key to improving the relationship between human and dog. Successful dog owners and dog trainers are people who can best apply their knowledge and understanding of the dog...and who are always learning more!

Since the early prehistoric beginnings, humans have trained the dog to perform many various useful tasks in exchange for supplying the dog with food, shelter and leadership. The prehistoric tasks were very natural and "instinctive"... hunting, tracking, and guarding. The human-dog relationship was very simple. After all, neither partner was very "civilized."

Then humankind began it's progress...moving from caves to nomadic shelters, following herds of prey animals, domesticating some of them, as time passed settling into a semi-nomadic life, and primitive farming and building of permanent housing. From there to the beginnings of writing and early civilization, their canines were with them, all the while, adapting and performing new tasks of usefulness. The relationship between human and dog was becoming evermore complicated.

We finally arrive in today's world of over population, expanding housing developments, and neighbors growing ever closer... the human-dog relationship has never been under greater stress. Even though most of us never ask more from our dogs than to perform the task of companion/protector, this requires a dog of good manners, stable mind, and acceptable obedient behavior at home and in public. Correct raising, understanding and basic training makes for the foundation upon which to build such a dog, as well as the foundation for all other training.

The Puppy and/or (Basic) Beginners Dog Training Course, which you have downloaded (and hopefully printed), has been designed to teach you how to train your dog. While using this dog training course, both you and your dog will be students! This dog training course will attempt to teach you some basics about your dog, to understand the dog a little better, to learn to communicate with the dog in terms that the dog can understand clearly, to cope with living with your dog in a sound human-dog relationship, and finally the fundamentals of becoming a responsive, obedient pet in public and at home.

Notice that we have said the Puppy/Basic Beginners Dog Training Course teaches the fundamentals!

In order to have the totally trained dog, well mannered, obedient, responsive to Your commands in public or at home, both on and off the leash, you and your dog must complete the Puppy/Beginners Dog Training Course, plus the Novice I and II Courses. We progress through these courses in gentle, easy steps. If we were to throw all of this dog training at you all at once, you might become confused and discouraged in your dog training. Our goal is to have you succeed in training your dog so you can have a lifetime of enjoyment together.

Trainees who are willing to try hard, apply themselves, and work with their dog seriously will find achieving their goals in dog training rather easy. Any of our trainees finding dog training to be enjoyable and interesting with a desire to make something "special" of their dog are invited to ask us about earning obedience titles on their dogs. Obedience titles can be earned by any purebred or mixed breed dog!!

We wish you success in your dog training. We hope that you will enjoy teaching your dog... as we enjoy teaching you how!!

"A Handler Always Ends Up With The Dog He Deserves."
-- By the Royal Air Force Dog Training School.
Reprinted from: Off-Lead, Dog Training Magazine.

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Contents � 1999-2004 by S. M. Brown, Edited by Chazhound
All Breed Dog Training

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