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  1. S

    Most Annoying Toy

    That sounds awful! Fuzzy has Elephant Gerald, a stuffed elephant with 5 sqeakers in it. It would be ok, except he chooses to play with it and smoosh it against my head at 3am. SqeaksqueaKsqueakSqueakSkweek
  2. S

    Warning**totally gross dog problem

    hehe. Grody little carnivores. One of the foster dogs I had was this goofy chihuahua. One day I came home with a friend and she had gotten into a package of those Carefree liners. They were the individually wrapped ones and she'd somehow managed to unwrap quite a few and stick them on the...
  3. S

    Favorite Chaz Dog(s)

    I love all the little dogs. This picture cracks me up though.
  4. S

    Why did my dog lick the fence?

    Ha ha...your dog's a fence-licker. :p I wonder this too, though. Fuzzy likes to lick my metal file cabinet, the metal bar on my desk chair, and my stainless steel T-squares and rulers when they're within his reach. Metal. He'll spend a long time doing this. At first I thought...
  5. S

    Takin' the dog to Canada

    heh...I will be doing everything necessary and on the up and up. It's just figuring out what is necessary. And yes...if i don't, they will check. If I do...they probably won't. I'm not risking it. I want Fuzzy to have a big adventure too. :p
  6. S

    Takin' the dog to Canada

    I thought rabies vaccine was a one-time deal, along with some of those others. Clearly, I have much to learn.
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    Takin' the dog to Canada

    Have any of you taken your dogs to Canada (by car) from the US? Just did a little research to see what's involved, and came up with this. Basically it sounds like all I'd need is a rabies certificate, but Fuzzy was vaccinated years ago through another owner. He has a rabies tag with a...
  8. S

    Adopting a dog - what to look for?

    congratulations! :) I fostered several dogs before I found Fuzzy. I think it's a good thing for anyone to do before adopting - you get to help a shelter, plus find out what type of dog fits you best. I wasn't even planning to adopt one permanantly, but the minute I saw Fuzzy he was...
  9. S

    the daily sketch

    hehe...was going to suggest that too. If you are working from a photograph, it's interesting to turn it upside down and draw it. It forces you to draw what you actually see...rather than what you think it should look like. Sometimes the left (analytical) side of your brain gets in the...
  10. S

    Most embarrassing doggie moments?

    heh. I think the Petsmarts and Petcos have been "marked" so much that our dogs forget themselves and figure it's ok. Fuzzy has a charming way of doing that carpet-scooting maneuver only when I have company over. Also, years ago we had this beautiful little dog, Francis. One winter we...
  11. S

    I'm so in love with my dog!

    I Love My Dog, by Cat Stevens I love my dog as much as I love you But you may fade, my dog will always come through. All he asks from me is the food to give him strength All he ever needs is love and that he knows he’ll get So, I love my dog as much as I love you But you may fade, my...
  12. S

    SAd happenings at the off leash dog park

    I would guess the park board would be the ones to go to. Don't know how it works where you guys are, but here they occur once a month and it's open to the neighborhood residents. I like this idea a lot and how you've already started thinking through the design needs. :) I have had the...
  13. S

    the daily sketch

    What a great thread! It's neat that you guys are sketching. Keep at it. I really like that one a few pages back of "yawning dog." I'm a little out of sketch practice myself, but here's one of Fuzzy I did during a dull meeting last month. (white pencil on black paper....from...
  14. S


    I love thunderstorms. Fuzzy's still terrified of them though, so I always wind up with a shaking dog in my lap. The other night there was a storm while i was out and when i came home he was cowering in the bathtub and it appears he had even tried to pull the bathmat in with him to hide...
  15. S


    thanks all. :) wow! I think you're right. Probably a mix...but that's the closest i've seen. Thanks. Not that i care what breed he is...but it's nice to have some sort of answer because folks always ask what kind of dog he is. I wonder if he speaks French?
  16. S

    Doggy Blog??

    Fuzzy's learned to type while i've been gone at work all day: sneeky bugger. btw, your little puffball is ridiculously cute. har. nice shower curtain!
  17. S

    Throwdown at the Dogpark

    My little guy, Fuzzy got the crap kicked out him at the park a couple months back. He's old and has always been very mellow and friendly around other dogs and loved the park, but one day this big dog was trying to play too rough with him and Fuzzy miscontrued it as a threat and got freaked...
  18. S

    I support gay pride, so I must be gay too.

    I'm an artist, so I must be flakey and irresponsible. I'm in my 30s, so I should be trying to get married. I'm a woman, so I must want children. I'm obsessive-compulsive, so I must count and clean everything. Or, just inspired by this evening's "Wife Swap": I like punk, so I must be...
  19. S


    hi, I figured it was time to register after lurking for awhile. Good site! Anyway...short introduction: I adopted Fuzzy just over a year ago from shelter I was fostering dogs for, and a woman brought him in. She was in an abusive relationship and had to give up her dogs all of whom...