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  1. M

    Not eating bernese

    Many thanks to all your help and support but i'm afraid we lost our most prized possesion this afternoon.Her red blood cell count had dropped even to low for her to have a transfusion so we had to have her put to sleep.Just four years old, how do you tell two children it was for the best!
  2. M

    Not eating bernese

    Latest update is not good for our beloved pet. The vet has told us she now has Evans Disease which his causing her red blood cells tobe attacked.Her red blood count has dropped from 24 to 20 to 16 in the last three days whicch we have been told is very grave as it should be in the high forties...
  3. M

    Not eating bernese

    I think you are right about that Diane, she is still very down and lethargic but the vet said this may be the case and that it may take up to five days for her to brighten up. She has eaten a small amount of food again today but thats about all the plus signs we can take from a very poorly...
  4. M

    Not eating bernese

    Hi again .the vet gave Maddy a steroid injection and has put her on a course of steroid tablets to see if she improves.He is still concerned it could be more serious like thrombocytopenia or an internal growth somewhere. There seems to be a slight improvement in herself (or wishfull thinking on...
  5. M

    Not eating bernese

    Hi again, it was not throbosis the vet said but throm****** ,I will find out exactly later this afternoon 5.00 UK time and will let you know exactly what he said. All we know at the moment is that if it is throm***** it can be treated with steroids, but he hasn,t ruled out something about its...
  6. M

    Not eating bernese

    We have just had a call from the vets to say her white blood cell count is 35 opposed to the normal 140-150 but her red cells are normal.Excuse the spelling on this bit but he says this could point to thromboside? We have got totry and get a water sample and take in this afternoon. I think this...
  7. M

    Not eating bernese

    Many thanks for your replies, in answer to your questions she has had no changes in her home circumstances or has she been drinking a lot of water. Her temperature was 104 last Thursday and 103.2 on Monday. She was spayed at the age off one and seems to be getting more and more lethargic each...
  8. M

    Not eating bernese

    Hi, new to this forum chat but we are very concerned about our bernese mountain dog. She is four and a half years old and three weeks ago started to go off her food and has gradually ate less and less until out of the last 3 days she has only eaten about two or three small biscuits.She was given...