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  1. L

    Pit Bulls!

    I just started volunteering at our local shelter. 80% of the dogs in there are pit bulls. They are all sweethearts. I understand this is true at most shelters across America and the rescues are full. What I don't understand is why. Obviously they are popular and overbred. Why are...
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    Looking for tips training "Quite" command

    I think your dog is obscessed with treats. No more treating in the family room. Personally, I would give the treats a rest for awhile and then only use sparingly after that. As far as the barking goes, ignoring will eventually work, you just have to wait it out. It might take a...
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    Why can't I house break my dogs????

    I'd give them a good exercise session and crate them when you're asleep. Do it for a couple of months at least and then start letting them stay out and see if they go. if they do, then crate again. There's no other way to stop them when you're asleep. Its night, they should be sleeping...
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    Why does my dog cover up his food?

    Maybe a throwback to some instinct that makes them cover up their scent from preditors? I'm just guessing. My dog empties her bowl and throws it around the kitchen!
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    Sore/injured foot pads?

    Where did you get him? Is it snowy where you live? If so, could be salt burns.
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    my dog keeps iching

    Ear infections can have a brown waxy discharge. But if he is scratching all over, I'd switch to a food specifically for allergies. If that doesn't help, start saving for the vet.
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    Dog is Scratching New Wood Floors

    Wood floor with poly coating scratch. I have them and the chairs and kids have done more damage than the dog. You redo them every couple of years, but you learn to live with the scratches. Cut the nails short, file them so they are dull and learn to live in a happy, though imperfect, home...
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    Housebreaking Woe's: Can I Fix This?

    Take her outside every hour. Don't play or make excessive conversation except to tell her to go potty, until she goes, then reward her with some verbal praise and play. Take all bedding out of the crate/or keep her in a pen. Don't let her be somewhere she can lie in it, you want her to get...
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    Leash Handicapped

    How old is she?
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    Pottytraining adult dog

    Has anyone started from scratch with a rescue or adult dog? Just wondering how long it took.
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    LATINOS!!!! NO school, NO work, NO shopping :::::MAY 1ST::::::

    All of our parents or grandparents or great-grand parents were immigrants. They went through the proper channels and became legal. Why, now, is that something they feel that they shouldn't be required to do?
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    Honestly, I know no other way of pottytraining without a crate. Maybe a behaviorist can help you get your dog comfortable in a crate first, before you even attempt to potty train.
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    Toy Chihuahua = Hard to Potty Train?

    The biggest mistake you can make is to give a dog that young the run of the house. When you're busy, confine the dog to the area with the pads and leave little room for her to miss. Sometimes you think potty training is complete, but you have to keep confining them longer than you think...
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    The alpha? Who's it gonna be? Better be you!

    That was a really good article. Thanks for posting it.
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    Cesar Milan - cult?

    There's always something to be learned every day. I am impressed with some of the subtlties I've learned from just a few shows, like eye contact, posture, etc. Things like that can make or break your training.
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    I'm almost at my wits end! Peeing in the house!

    maybe its submissive peeing. Have you been giving him tons of attention since you got home? It might be too much stimulation for him. Try toning it down, if that's the case and go back to crating for a few days, not even making eye contact or speaking to him until after he's done his business...
  17. L

    my dog is growling and snapping at me..

    NILIF is good. It gets you to treat your dog like a dog, with you in control. How long have you been trying this? One thing I know is that when you implement something new, you get extinction behavior, which is when the behavior worsens before it gets better. Its their attempt to keep things...
  18. L

    few dogs... potty problems....

    You have three dogs and dont know which one is doing it? I can assure you that in time, they all will be doing it due to the scents left behind. I have been through potty training nightmares and I can tell you there is no way around crating them. Believe me, I've tried everything. You...
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    The Unthinkable has happened...

    I had a cocker spaniel that tried to nip a toddler. She didn't break skin, but out of the blue, she jumped at the toddler and gave a warning nip. That was the first and last time she was allowed anywhere near a toddler. If younger children came to visit, the dog was crated. My children...
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    "watch out"

    When we started training on the e fence, the trainer had me use the command "watch out" when she reached the flag to teach her to turn around and come back in the yard if she received a correction. I am now done using it in the yard, as she is respecting the perimeter on her own. I have...