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  1. J

    I have Decided to Make My Site a JRT place only

    I just gone done talking to my mom and she said that I would have much better luck with my forum if I just make it a JRT place only. Since there is an overabundance of all breed dog websites, and not too many Jack Russell forums, I think I will stick to just jacks. The address is...
  2. J

    Do You Celebrate Your Dog's Birthday?

    How many of you celebrate your dog's birthday? I know I do. My Wishy gets a cake, pressies, a home cooked meal, and a long walk. I also make sure he gets plenty of treats and pressies for Christmas, too. He's my pampered little boy! ;)
  3. J

    The Burglar and The parrot

    This is one of my favorite jokes. One night a burglar was breaking into a house. As he was robbing the place he heard a voice. " Joey is watching you," it said. The burglar ignored it and continued what he was doing. A few minutes later he hears the voice again, louder this time...
  4. J

    I have a New Dog Forum- Help!

    I just started my own forum. On there are dog discussion, jokes, fun stuff, a photo gallery, and so on. Now I just need some more visitors. The board is only 48 hours old and it seems everybody I know isn't into discussion forums, doesn't have the internet, doesn't like dogs, has not much time...
  5. J

    Any Other Jack Russell Owners on Here?

    Ok, as far as I know, Gallian Jacks and I are the only JRT owners I know of on this forum. Is there anyone else who owns a Jack Russell?
  6. J

    Hi, I am new

    Hello everyone! My name is Georgette and I am a proud Jack Russell Terrier owner. My jack is 5 years old and his name is Wishbone. He is mega cute, but I am his "mom" so I am a bit biased! I live in a small town in Southern Illinois. I am a 30 year old young woman and I am interested in dogs...