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  1. G

    Naturally Loyal Dogs. Is there such a thing?

    I would agree with herding dogs being very loyal and velcro dogs. However I disagree on the idea that they are less affectionate. Although my experience is with border collies, I find them incredibly affectionate and loyal. Herding dogs were bred over centuries to work with man and they crave...
  2. G

    scratching poodle

    Look up Dermacton on the net, I get mine off ebay. It is wonderful for itching, fungal skin conditions etc and gives relief instantly. Our dogs stop scratching within minutes of putting it on them - all their doggy friends use it too.
  3. G

    What does this look like?

    Look up Dermacton on the net - its amazing with rashes, sores, dermatitis etc and is a purely for dogs. I get mine off ebay. The picture looks fuzzy, its not two in line puncture wounds is it? My friends dog was bitten by an adder and even the vet didnt realise what it was for a few days.
  4. G

    Terrible agressive Behavior

    No offence intended here but I agree with everyone else. Your dog is isolated, he doesnt listen because he has no leader, no pack. If you want his respect and for him to respond he needs time and training. An outside life chained to a kennel (or in a penn) is a crappy lonely life and...
  5. G

    German Shephard in my face! HELP

    Is this only when you are putting your shoes on? My border collie does the same thing, but will back off when told - but usually it just makes me laugh. I cant get my shoes on when I cant see what I am doing because he is in my face. I dont think you have a dominant dog problem. More likely is...
  6. G

    I'm fed up!!!

    The reason a dog does not pee in his crate is because he does not want pee in his bed. The fact he is peeing all over himself is a sure sign that he is very disturbed from the abuse he has suffered. I suspect you are right that it his submissive urination - he can hold himself in his crate...
  7. G

    Anyone give thier dogs glucosamine?

    Arnica Arnica is a great homepathic temp treatment for sprains and bruises Richard. You can get if from good health stores. 1 tiny tablet you put under your or the dogs tongue (which disolves fast). The quicker you use it when an injury occurs the faster it seems to work. I used to do...
  8. G

    Anyone give thier dogs glucosamine?

    Yeah, Gil my border puppy kept going lame on his back end as a pup - as soon as I brought him home after he fell off a step. I gave him glucosamine for about 2 months and he improved very quickly and stopped going lame. He is now a few months over two and never goes lame. Highly recommend it!
  9. G

    Need doggy name help

    Onyx is a original name- very nice
  10. G

    I do NOT need another dog (keep repeating)

    If your first dog is well behaved, 2 will be a pleasure - 3 rocks and I am hopefull of having 4 dogs someday. Just got to convince the wife!
  11. G

    Could this be Mange? Or just some type of bites?

    Hi My partners pitbull suffered from alot of weird rashes, that came and went. We got some all natural products from the UK called Dermacton and Ultrasalve. Both worked a treat! Pitty is fine, now we just need to find something natural for her underbite. (dog not my partner) ;)