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  1. O

    What about the Sire?

    My two dogs have been together for a couple of years and do everything together, (including Breeding). My question is, how will my male react and/or what should I do with him during welping, rearing and weaning? I truly do know what I am doing and just cannot for the life of me find data...
  2. O

    Saturday Night at the Fights

    All day yesterday Yona my young female instigated and her and Loki fought viscously and I cannot seem to indicate why. No bones or treats being fought over no food anger. I don't know what to do other than keep them seperate. Any suggestions? There has been blood drawn and I'm worried Barry
  3. O

    Help with edits

  4. O

    Howdy, New here

    Hi, new to site although I registered months ago I forgot and am now checking in. I have two dogs, Karelian Bear Dogs, hope to hear back from some of you. Anyone else with KBD's check in as well. Barry