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  1. D

    question about weight

    I never said my dog was a purebred and I never ever said that yorkipoo is a's just the best term for her. there are tons of purebreds dying in shelters, too. right on with that pure bred snobbery comment...hit the nail right on the head, dear. also, it is completely unjustified and...
  2. D

    question about weight

    her parents were two purebreds..everytime i see a reaction like yours i can't stop myself from laughing...a DOG IS A DOG and she loves me the same as any purebred would and she's worth every cent i paid for her. but thanks for the info.
  3. D

    question about weight

    My four month old yorkipoo Cleo just weighed in at 4.7 pounds the other day at the vet. She's four months old. I was wondering how I can determine her full grown weight. When I got her at the end of August she weighed 2.5 pounds...I am really hoping she doesn't go past eight pounds, though...
  4. D

    introduction/my insane puppy

    Hi everyone. My name is Amy, I'm new to the forums and I desperately need help! One week ago today, my boyfriend and I got a ten week old yorkipoo puppy. She was amazing the first few days. She didn't have any accidents in her crate and hardly any accidents in the house. Then...the past few...