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  1. W

    My puppy chipped a tooth

    Somehow my male dobbie chipped his bottom right canine tooth. What do I need to do?
  2. W

    My new girl

    We have been trying to get a female companion for my dobbie for a while now, well the adoption went through and we got her!! So now we have 2 dobbie's and a Jack/Rat mix. Here's our babies: Here's my baby's: Vladimir Abigail Ella(after a few drinks)
  3. W

    Can't get rid of worms!!!

    We've been off and on Drontal for my Dobbie's worms(tape, round, hook) :mad: , and he still can't shake them, fortunatly we got him immunized before he picked up heart worms or I'm sure he'd get those too. I'm thinking about ordering a supply of Drontal from and just setting him up...
  4. W

    New guy

    My name is Carl I currently have 2 dogs, and 1 cat. When I move in a couple of months I will be expanding that family to 3 dogs. Here are my babies. Ella-Anyone guess what she is? We were told jack russell? Vladimir-AKC Doberman 9months old. And Kramer
  5. W

    Another Crate question from another Newbie.

    I've scanned the other crate topics and none seemed to answer what I needed. We recently rescued a Jack Russell/Rat Terrior Mix (5months) We love her very much and she is a great contrast to our Doberman.(9months 105lbs) The Problem is we can't leave her alone while we are at work. When we get...