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  1. dogliriousJP

    A "fetching" Catahouls Leopard Dog

    This is me and our 2-year-old Catahoula Leopard Dog, Riley, hanging out in downtown Atlanta playing fetch... YouTube - Riley the Catahoula Learns to Fetch
  2. dogliriousJP - Dog Product Reviews, Discounts, and Advice

    We just officially launched, a site with independent product reviews, training tips, health & care advice, stories, and expert articles. Our mission is to engage, educate, and entertain dog lovers across the web. Oh, and I just have to show off our Riley, a 2-year-old Catahoula...
  3. dogliriousJP

    New member from Atlanta...and 2-year-old my Catahoula Leopard Dog

    Hello all! I'm very excited to be here. My 2 yr old Catahoula, Riley, is looking for some online friends, so we're happy to be here!! Here's my Riley *trying* to get some sleep on the couch...