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  1. maxtressus

    Indoor splashing

    Thats at great idea about the smaller water bowl and the rock you can also try picking up the bowl after each use.
  2. maxtressus

    Dog ate tinfoil! Please help

    Well we took him into the vet in the morning. The good news is that everything should pass. They took ex-rays and his entire stomach is looks like a light bulb with everything. He managed to chew the bits up to small enough that they said it should be fine. The vet also gave us some special...
  3. maxtressus

    Dog ate tinfoil! Please help

    Well, we got off the phone with the vet. They said that we should just wait and let it pass. Thanks for the help. We waited on the induced vomiting as we thought it could cause more harm coming back up. I still don't feel very good about the vets choice thought. I guess it has to do with...
  4. maxtressus

    Dog ate tinfoil! Please help

    So my 6 month old poodle puppy managed to eat a an approxomite 2 foot by 1 foot sheet of tin foil. Please, I need you advice on what to do. We are trying to phone the animal emergency hospital. Should we give him somthing to induce vomitting? I am lost and very upset. I am...
  5. maxtressus

    The Sprinkler Attacks!

    It was around noon yesterday. The sun was shining, puppies a playing, and all was well in our yard. It was very hot and humid so I decided to turn on the sprinkler. Sadly, the puppies thought the sprinkler was the equivalent of an army of mailman: bewilderment ensued. Howling and barking...
  6. maxtressus

    How Long are they a Puppy

    I suppose the breed really plays a major part. It is hard to call an 80 pound 8 month old Bouvier a puppy. I guess we might have to call this bet a draw.
  7. maxtressus

    You have GOT to see this....

    Yikes. That is impressive to say the least.
  8. maxtressus

    I'm a SCAT DOG

    Looks just like my little poodle puppy. I think I will make a video and post it up.
  9. maxtressus

    Enough is Enough, possible to train?

    I like what Lizmo said. It should be a privilege for him to swim. Temptation training in a way. Not allowing him to get in until you say he can. Then use the same training to get him out. If your pool isn't too big I would use a long leash. Does he have any easy way to get out of the pool...
  10. maxtressus

    How Long are they a Puppy

    So I was just curious as to what age everybody thought a puppy would no longer be considered a puppy. It's not really that important, but it can win me a bet. :) I said they were labelled a puppy until their first birthday.
  11. maxtressus

    peeing in her sleep

    Most puppies in my experience don't like to do their business where they are living so this presents a new issue. How often do you take her out to go to the bathroom? If she is having trouble I would say go out every half an hour for the next week, then try it with her every hour. As for the...
  12. maxtressus

    Summer Time Fun!

    Very nice. Looks like it will be a very fun summer. I am still waiting to introduce my puppy to water. How old is yours?
  13. maxtressus


    I will add my own, Awwwwww :)
  14. maxtressus

    Things your dog did that made you go ''WOW''

    That is pretty darn impressive. Our puppy was on our second floor and got so excited that it decided to jump down to the first. I couldn't believe it when he jumped, flew, and landed as if it was nothing.
  15. maxtressus

    How often to feed

    I started at three times a day, just because our puppy was so small in the beginning, but then moved it to twice a day. I think twice a day is the most convenient and most used time frame.
  16. maxtressus

    Puppy Potty Training Problems

    Hey there from Kitchener. I am just up the road from you in Hamilton! Whenever I have a new puppy that I am potty training there are a couple things I always try and do. I take the puppy out every hour on the hour. When they go potty outside in the area we have for them I give them lots of...
  17. maxtressus

    Hello Everybody

    Thanks everybody!
  18. maxtressus

    New Puppy, How do I get him to sleep

    Whenever I bring home a new puppy I always take a wind up clock that ticks and stick it under a blanket where the puppy is going to sleep. It was an old trick I learned when I was growing up, but I believe it makes them think it is their mothers heart beating. Good to hear he is sleeping...
  19. maxtressus

    Hello Everybody

    Hi, I thought I would introduce myself. My name is Max and I own a 14 year old Miniature Schnauzer, and a 16 week old standard Poodle. I was also at one point in my life a Poodle breeder, so I figured I would come here and get advice and see what advice I could give.