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  1. C

    Static fur

    When I brush my Shih-Tzu I find his fur tends to stick up a bit due to static and the fact the air is dry. What do you do about that fur sticking up look?
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    Odd Habit

    My dog has an odd habit. Since he is a Shih-Tzu, and so has long fur on his ears and around his face, he likes to shake his head enough to get the fur dangling from his face and ears into his mouth where he chews on it. This results in him later throwing up that same fur onto the carpet. I have...
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    Apartment barker= I will loose him

    Hi I live in an apartment and have heard from neighbors that my dog barks every time I go out. I need to find a way to stop this QUICKLY or I will be forced to find a new home for him, as I already have had one person complain about this to the landlord. Please help with suggestions! Thanks...
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    How long is he a puppy?

    Sigh. I have a nine month old Shih-Tzu, who acts like- a puppy. I got a cactus with two inch long spines to put on the bottom shelf of my large plant stand. My thought was there was no way he would mess with this. The following morning, the cactus was in the middle of the living room floor...
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    hurricane Shih-Tzu

    Hi I have a Shih-Tzu, which, as you know, should be groomed (brushed) every day, or he will get matted. But he hates being grooomed, and squirms the whole time almost. I try to be gentle with him. I use a brush with plastic not metal so it does not hurt. He especially hates me trying to brush...
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    Hi. I have a puppy that chews on everything. I tried using something called "Bitter Yuck" but he delights to carry around my shoes and chew on them even with that stuff sprayed on them. So, since I love to garden, I tried a solution I use to keep rabbits away from eating the garden- I sprayed my...
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    Puppy Play

    How much play does a puppy need? (Shih-Tzu, 6 months). I am finding that my puppy will nip at my feet, or pull the laces on my shoes until they are undone while I am walking; or he will take any chance to get towels, take off the bedspread, take things on left on the bed, toilet paper, shoes...
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    Just curious

    Hi- can anybody tell me, why is it that dogs lick you? What does it mean to the dog? Just curious.
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    Hi My shih-tzu is eighteen weeks now, and STILL leaving presents for me on the floor. I did weeks worth of taking him out every four hours, and rewarding every time I got results. Still presents. I tried a week when he was in a crate or on leash strictly, then let him out for three hours and-...
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    Any suggextions on what I can do about his barking- when I leave the room, leave the apartment or just for the heck of it.
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    Learning to speak Dog

    Hi A suggestion on how to get my puppy to not lead himself on his leash by saying "leave it" worked great. I was told this command sounds like a bark. What other commands can I use that sound like a dog so he might understand better when it comes to other things? (nipping people, chewing on...
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    The Leash

    Hi. I have found puppy seems to dislike his leash, meaning he grabs onto it with his teeth trying to lead himself. What is this all about? What can be done about it? He alkso seems to love to chew on his license, although he has lots of chew toys. And while I am at it, does the word NO really...
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    How does a puppy ask?

    Hi If a puppy does not ask to go out and do his business by scratching at the door, then how else will he ask? It may be he is asking and I am just not picking up on it. :confused:
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    Hi. Every time I look at the chatroom there seems to be nobody there. Is there any specific time that people come there?:confused:
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    Puppy Potty Training Problems

    Hello from Kitchener, Ontario I would like to introduce myself and one stubborn Shih-Tzu/Poodle cross named Oreo (because he is black and white and one sweet cookie). We have been having this ongoing argument about housetraining for three weeks now, and at twelve weeks, he is still leaving...