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    Socializing around children

    Hello Everyone, I haven't been around for a while, really busy with the start of school. Molly is doing great, really growing! However, we do have a problem. She doesn't seem to like kids. Whenever we are around children she growls or snaps at them. She hasn't actually bit one yet but...
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    Puppies on Vacation

    Hey, has anybody ever taken a dog or puppy to Disney World? We are going in July, yeah I know it's hot but we did it once before and it worked out very well! My husband looked up dog kennels at Disney and they have basically two kinds. One is more expensive and they do everything for your...
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    Chasing Cars

    Molly loves to go for walks. We live in a quiet, rural housing development that was built back in the 1930's. Roads are narrow and winding. The average cars go about 25 to 30 mph. No sidewalks, just drainage ditches along sides of roads. When we are walking along and a car comes by, I...
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    Flea Season

    When can you safely put a flea collar on a puppy? My puppy is a standard poodle, will be 11 weeks old on Monday April 7, and weighs about 13.5 pounds. She was treated with Frontline at her first grooming almost two weeks ago. It has been raining a lot here lately and she has gotten wet...