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  1. N

    Aggressive dobe

    Blade & I, id love to find out how or if this issue was resolved.
  2. N

    Saluki and Rottweiler

    Dulce, What do you mean by short? Height at the whithers, forelegs or chest? I think his legs look a little too short for his body (compared to a doberman...) but he's pretty tall, taller than some adult rotties ive seen. Where's redeyre? She can help out probably...
  3. N

    Saluki and Rottweiler

    Thank you all, ill post more pics in the future! Boston Banker, Saluki's come in smoothe and feathered, feathered ones can have slight hair to quite long hair on the ears, tails and legs. Weather plays a role as does the breeding of course. I also love sighthounds, in addition to lure...
  4. N

    Juvenile Rottweiller and Saluki

    Thank you all, especially Zoom, I appreciate all your concern and have taken your advice to seperate them. Ajab the Saluki is now at my parents house, she has a nice garden and kids to play with, Saluma the Rott looks quite sad though... I have taken everyones suggestion on board however...
  5. N

    Saluki and Rottweiler Hello friends, Im a longtime Saluki owner enjoying a new beautiful desert bred bitch 5 months old, and by accident I also ended up with a Rottweiler at the same time who is also 5 months old. Both dogs are great but so different...
  6. N

    Juvenile Rottweiller and Saluki You guys are really making this tough. Im going to board the rottie for 2 weeks now, take a look at their photos in the above link, I was unable to post them on this forum. Please tell me what you think. Regards,
  7. N

    New Saluki and Rottweiller fellow

    My Rottweiler and Saluki Photos I'd love to hear opinions on the pics, particularly those with experience with rotties as i dont know how my dog compares. I was unable to post the pics on this forum, but anyone who wants to may do...
  8. N

    Juvenile Rottweiller and Saluki

    Saluma and Ajab now seperated. I really want to thank all of you who have offered advice. I have seperated them, one stays inside the other outside alternating every 1-2 hours. I let them hang out together when im feeding them and to play under direct supervision and you guys are definately...
  9. Saluki and Rottweiler

    Saluki and Rottweiler

    Saluma and Ajab playing or maybe a little bit more...
  10. Saluki face

    Saluki face

    Ajab, my almost 6 month old Saluki
  11. N

    Juvenile Rottweiller and Saluki

    Redyre and Dulce, I will separate them immediately, but if its physically possible for the 5 month old male to impregnate her than maybe it has already happened as she has been in heat for 9 days... I certainly hope not though... I havent spayed or neutered them because I will one day...
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    Juvenile Rottweiller and Saluki

    Hello all, My female 5 month old Saluki is in heat, my 5 month old rottweiler looks more confused than anything else, particularly as she humps him... I dont want to separate them as i dont think the rottweiler will mate with her, he has shown no inclination to and he still squats to pea...
  13. N

    New Saluki and Rottweiller fellow

    Hi all, I came across this site while trying to figure out why my 5 month old saluki was acting like she was in heat and humping my poor 5 month old male Rottweiler. Well turned out she is in heat eventhough she is way too young for it, usually happens at 8-12 months for salukis... My...