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  1. Heleen

    Immigration question

    I need some advice. We are immigrating to Australia next year and want to take our dogs with. The quarintine period is seven months. Three months in South Africa and four in Oz. What I would like to know is if this is worse on my dogs than finding good homes for them. I know my Boxer gets very...
  2. Heleen

    Just wondering

    I bought my Jack Russel Noenoes on the spur of the moment. Not the best way I know, but we saw her in the pet shop and I fell in love. I just wanted to hold her but then made the mistake of naming her so we had to buy her. We almost lost her a week later when she got very sick. Apparently we...
  3. Heleen

    Hello I'm new

    Hi there just wanted to introduce myself. I come from South Africa and have two great dogs. Jabba (Boxer) is my sesitive boy. He is such a gentle soul. Noenoes is an active Jack Russel that loves to destroy any socks. I always forgive her though because she is great at twisting me around her...