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  1. ginobli

    Severe Leash Aggression

    I would read Fiesty Fido, good book. It helped me alot with Gino. Also give him treats when he is quiet and a dog is passing or nearby. Also if he starts barking when he sees a dog or person, get infront of him and walk the other way, let it be known that the other dog or person is a reward for...
  2. ginobli

    Constant Biting

    Hey all here i am posting again cause Ginobli has started biting. mostly when we lay down, he starts pretty much clamping down on our arms. we have said no sternly and pushed him away when he does, but it only encourages him. It has gotten to the point where he thinks its a game. We don't...
  3. ginobli

    Help Please...

    Thank you... I would like to thank you all for your help, I don't support some comments that were made because i don't like to punish my dog, so i won't. Ginobli has gotten somewhat better. I took him to the doggie park, like I do every Monday. He did great there as always. He gets along great...
  4. ginobli

    Help Please...

    hello everyone, i have an 8 month puppy, he is a collie shepard mix, we got him from petsmart about 3 weeks ago. he is a great pup, but he has a problem meeting new people or dogs, he pees everytime he meets someone new, he lies on his back and pees, even if i just took him out the second...