Recent content by Owly

  1. O

    Puppy nipping...

    Hi,about the door slamming,I have wrote it on the internet,when reading about how to establish your place in the pack.This way the puppy understands that tyhere are some rules he should know and obey them.I don't mean to hurt the dog, NO,NO WAY,NEVER that is why I said that be careful.
  2. O

    Puppy nipping...

    Hi! Your dog has this bahaviour because puppies want to have a place in the "pack",and of couse they try to be the first dog.But you should never allow this because you will have problems later. First,show your dog that you are the leader in everything,and not him.You can do this using a few...
  3. O

    Pulling on lead

    Hi there! When you walk your dog on the leash are you giving him any command like "heel",or somethngi which means the same?If yes,then everytime you see the factor that distracts your dog,say the command and pull him back.If he calms down,then praise.Repeat this everytime.You should use a...
  4. O

    Foster is crazy!

    Hi I think that you should try to replace food with praise.When he does something right at first give him treats but also praise him.Then gradually try to replace treats with praise.It is not a short process because the dog needs to know that the praise is as good as the treat.At the end you...