Recent content by MLane

  1. M

    Are there any guys here?

    I've increased the dude count of this forum by 1.
  2. M

    Just when I thought bacon couldn't be any more awesome

    What a bizarre way to incorporate delicious bacon into a device. I'd probably still end up eating it.
  3. M

    Layla is no longer with us

    Sorry for your loss. It's always difficult to lose a pet, I can certainly relate to the pain it can cause. Hope you feel better soon.
  4. M

    Your Dogs Name: Why You Chose The Dog Name You Did

    I have a dog named Fluffy. Yeah, not very original. When thinking on a name, I took notice of his fur, which you know, was kinda fluffy. Shortly after naming him Fluffy, I just started calling him "Fluff" for short since it rolled off the tongue much easier.