Recent content by ManAndHisDog

  1. ManAndHisDog

    Will a grossly obese dog be fixed by "more exercise"?

    Well, what works for obese humans? Body composition is a result of both lifestyle and diet. Mostly diet I think. If your dog is massively overweight there's probably an issue with too much food being fed.
  2. ManAndHisDog

    Bald Spot/Thin Hair

    Looks allergy related to me but I could be wrong!
  3. ManAndHisDog

    Potential Food Allergy Help

    Well, one of my male dogs suffers with allergies something fierce. I've been giving him Benadryl to help whenever he gets flair ups for years now with no issues! Maybe you could look into that? Here's some information about Benadryl for you...
  4. ManAndHisDog

    I need naming help.

    I always go for comic strip inspired names. What do you think of Calvin, Linus or Sparky?