Recent content by katt

  1. K

    Nutro Natural Choice??

    I'm sure this is a question that has been asked before but, I did a search and didn't really see anything helpful after 3 pages. SO... here ya go. We've been feeding Canidae. But, due to cost and gas prices, we're going to have to switch to another food (the only place near us that sells...
  2. K

    Neutering Question

    Ya'll are preaching to the choir here. Dh is the one who'd have to take him into the clinic as I'd be working on those days it is open. When he starts to get a bit aggressive, we re-direct him, make him sit and look at us, then move him away from the situation.
  3. K

    Neutering Question

    Our 1.5 yr old mutt, Gerorge, is intact. My DH could not bear the thought of the procedure, so we haven't had it done. Lately George exhibits more aggressive behavior towards other dogs (not all dogs mind you, just some). Would this behavior be eliminated or alleviated if we were to get...
  4. K

    Seattle Vet Recommendations

    Hi All- It has been a really really long time since I've visited, but... I have a question for you. There is a specific vet in the seattle area that I remember seeing recommended on several boards. (I did a search and couldn't find what I was looking for) The vet clinic I'm looking for...
  5. K

    Lord Have Mercy on the little children

    I would call. It doesn't matter if they even come out, they should now have a record of your call. The main reason of your call may not even be the 'spankings' but the unsupervised children. That you did see with your own eyes. You can then related the 'spankings' you heard, but not as your...
  6. K

    Hannah the shoe gourmet

    Not shoes in this house... Socks, he will find socks even after we think we've put them all up. He'll even find socks at my parent's house. (occassionally He'll grab some underware, but not as often as socks) At least he is an equal opportunity chewer: he got both of you. :)
  7. K

    So angry!!

    You could always act like you didn't hear what she said and make her repeat it... several times... maybe she'll get it. "i'm sorry, i got distracted, what did you say?" "blah blah blah...?" "oops, my bad, what was that again?" "BLAH BLAH Bllalhh... " by the third time she might have...
  8. K

    Ever given a dog away?

    We haven't, but one of our friends did. He and his wife and 1.5 yr old son adopted Sugar from a shelter. Don't remember the breed. Sugar was very rambunctions and liked to play. Not a bad thing... But, they didn't really have the time to put into Sugar. So, when they were away their house...
  9. K

    Anyone else need new toys every few days?

    George loves to toss and shake his toys. He prefers stuffed animals, but it'll take him about 45 min or so and stuffing is leaking. He has so much fun with them though I hate to take them away permenantly. So, he gets one every once in a while, wait 'till the stuffing leaks, then I put it up...
  10. K

    Question about vaccines

    Yep, it is a reaction to the Vaccination. Sometimes it happens, other times it doesn't. Your Dr. should have told you about all the possible side-effects from Soreness on up before you got the shot.
  11. K

    MY trip to the Groomer tomorrow!

    Hair will grow back, I promise. Even if they make a mistake, with long hair it would be a lot easier to fix because you have more options then if it was short. I had long hair (tucked into pants when getting dressed long) cut it a few times, made sure enough was cut off to donate to...
  12. K

    Exporting Dogs

    Can I bring my pets to Ireland? If you want to bring pets (cats and dogs) with you to Ireland you should know that on the arrival they have to be put in quarantine for a period of 6 months. The only exemption from this rule are pets coming from Great Britain, the Channel Islands and the Isle of...
  13. K

    Men....and dancing.....= TERROR

    I'm lucky in that the only thing holding us back from dance lessons is money. Otherwise I already have his word that he'd take them. Come on guys... Advantages to danceing: You get to lead, be in charge, direct (does that really happen elsewhere?) Everyone starts out bad, you will get...
  14. K

    Teaching Stand and other questions...

    Great advice, I'll be trying some of it soon. What I've been doing is having him sit, I take a step back and then say stand. He thinks it means come, he'll get up and then walk around me. Not that he has far to go, but still. I'm happy that he gets up out of his sit and stands, but he...
  15. K

    Teaching Stand and other questions...

    George knows: Sit, Stay, Lay Down, Come, No, etc... We're working on loose leash walking (When he pulls on pleasure walks I stop and won't move until he comes back to me and then we start forward again. ) and heel (He's to walk at my left, next to my left leg, slightly behind, and sit when...