Recent content by ilovemysheltie

  1. ilovemysheltie

    weight loss on TOTW

    We also feed TOTW here,even our kitty is on it. I am always at odds about how much to feed Trapp,as he is one active puppy.He is not fat by any means,very lean.And he eats 1-1/2 for the day. And maybe a mother Hubbard treat sometime during the day.He also loves his flossie,which he will chew on...
  2. ilovemysheltie

    Trapp,Earnhardt & Bumper~

    Thought I would post a link to an online shutterfly album,so everyone can see pictures of our babes. Enjoy!
  3. ilovemysheltie

    New Dog Lover Here :D

    Hello everyone! Just thought I would register,and introduce our family. We have a 4 month old shetland sheepdog,his name is Trapp. And the big man of the house is a 5 year old yellow lab,named Earnhardt. We also have a blind himalayen cat,she was born with no eyes,he name is Bumper! We live in...