Recent content by Corgi

  1. C

    Pitts have more psi than other dogs????

    Exactly, should be, just like they should be athleticly built with deep chests and a slight tuck up. The pitbulls I've seen are usually larger than the one in the video, I haven't seen any in a while since I moved. I guess out in the country, people are content with beagles and Labradors and...
  2. C

    Pitts have more psi than other dogs????

    That's one pitbull which looks considerably smaller than most I've seen (and it's sort of refreshing to see one that isn't completely exaggerated) but I can't comprehend a dog that was bred to have a strong bite and fight bulls have a weaker bite than other dogs.
  3. C

    Pitts have more psi than other dogs????

    I believe it. Not the 2600psi part, but the "stronger than other dogs" part. They were bred to fight, so of course they need strong jaws. Maybe not 2600psi, but definitely stronger than, say, a Collie's bite, but whenever I see a Pitbull with a big jaw and strong jaw muscles, I can't help but...
  4. C

    Small success...

    Do you think you will be able to convince her to keep her on a better brand of dog food?
  5. C

    Running off when starting to go into heat?

    I just think people should ASK first why the dog isn't spayed rather than flat out suggesting that she spay her dog.
  6. C

    Running off when starting to go into heat?

    Have you ever thought that, oh, maybe she wants to title her in conformation or breed her? :/ Jeez, it's annoying how fast people jump down eachothers throats here whenever they mention their dog going into heat.
  7. C

    What are three reasons your breed is.........

    Bernese Mountain Dogs 1. SIZE. Berners are very strong and are heavy boned. Size tops it all off, a lot of people would rather prefer a dog that is large but agile and not as compact. (Greyhounds, Salukis, etc) 2. Life span. Berners don't live that long, unfortunately. Most live to be 8 or...
  8. C

    Was it an abcess?

    My Bernese Mountain Dog had a lump in her inner leg, up near her elbow/armpit area. It moved easily, was attached to the skin and was a little hard and about the size of a penny. I kept checking it, making sure it didn't get bigger. One day I checked it and I felt a small crusty scab on top...
  9. C

    UGH! A "Pit Bull" Farm!

    That's horrible. I'm surprised they're so confident about posting pics of puppies in small kennels. It could be much worse, though. Looking at the pics, they have a solid wood ground below them, food and water and somewhat clean kennels. Although their living conditions could obviously be...
  10. C

    Crossbred Dogs-What Would You Breed?

    Bulldog x Shih Tzu. A Bulls... ...Nevermind. ;)
  11. C

    Please Help!

    Call the humane society on your friend ANONYMOUSLY. They can do that, pretty sure. When dogs have mixed litters (let's say a dalmatian has 5 pups, 3 are purebred dallies and 2 look like lab x dallies) it means the female was bred with two different dogs in the same heat cycle. One father was...
  12. C

    Puppy going to bathroom all the time

    Both of our dogs pooped around four to five times a day when they were puppies, which was between 7am and 9pm. Now our dogs are 6 and 4, and poop only once or twice a day. As a lot of people know, puppies go to the bathroom more often than adult dogs, but I'm not too sure whether 10 times a day...
  13. C

    Introducing the dog on the other side of the fence

    Our neighbors have 2 Irish Terriers. I have a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Both our dogs and the neighbors dogs jump up on the fence and bark a LOT at each other. Some people have mentioned that introducing the dogs together may suppress their curiosity and decrease their...
  14. C

    Any Berner owners?

    I have one. Her name is Sascha and she is now six years old. She is very healthy at the moment except for some lumps and bumps which have been confirmed to be lypomas (little harmless fat lumps under the skin) If purchased from a very good breeder they can live longer than 5-7 years. The...