Recent content by blackmaskrotts

  1. blackmaskrotts

    view if you can...but please act

    I haven't posted in quite a while but this came across one of the groups I belong to and thought it needed to be spread. is a little graffic If you live in Ohio or knows someone that does, please help fight this fight....for the sake of those that have no voice...
  2. blackmaskrotts

    Dogs and Camping

    You'll want to have an air tight container for the dog food. Nothing attracts invaders better than pet food left out. Better yet, lock all food in your vehicle at night. Never put food in the tent with you. Critters can easily rip through the side of a tent to get to food. I personaly like a...
  3. blackmaskrotts

    How many have raised puppies/litters on raw here?

    I know...When I opened this thread, I said, "that's my boy!!!" We feed a combo of holistic/organic kibble and raw. Sometimes in the same meal, sometimes not. Depends on what I have on hand and what I'm in the mood for. All of my dogs can go back and forth with no issues. If I notice softer...