Recent content by AlbertaLab

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    Dogs on Boats

    We boat with our dogs and this is what we bring for them: -life vests (very handy for getting them back into the boat) -travel bowl for food/water -towels -retrieving toy Honestly they don't need much. If they get hot, they go for a swim. If they need shade I use the towels to rig...
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    Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

    Congratulations! So exciting!
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    Do you leave your dogs loose together?

    Yes, both of mine are loose in the house and together. They keep each other company while waiting for us to come home. They are either laying on the carpet in front of the door, on our bed or on the couch. What a horrid life... ;)
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    Does the dog meet standard?

    My two labs are not to standard, but that's ok with me. Dio is 110 lbs of muscle but is much taller than the breed allowance. His personality is 100% lab though. I love the narrower muzzles personally, which is why I go for the Field type Labs over Bench.
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    Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

    Awesome news Jessie! We aren't doing the 3D scan, so we can only hope that the technician was right. :)
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    Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

    The ultrasound went great! Baby has all the necessary body parts and the heart is in full working order. The tech is about 90% certain that baby is a girl (eek!) but we're still going to keep things gender neutral just in case the 'dangly bits" were just hiding. :rofl1: I can feel baby move a...
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    Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

    Hello everyone :) I found this thread and I hope that it's ok for me to post here. I am 19 weeks pregnant with my 1st child. We go for our ultrasound TOMORROW which is super duper exciting! :thumbsupsmileyanim: We are due July 1st, which also happens to be my wedding anniversary.
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    I am new here

    hello and welcome!
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    Hah! Posted twice. oops! :eek: As for a name, we find out THIS FRIDAY if we're having a boy or girl. That will help us focus the name search. I'm just to happy that I finally get to see this little critter.
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    GingerKid-thanks! we're pretty excited MicksMom-yes, we do know each other. :)
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    Thanks Gingerkid! And Micksmom, yes, yes we do. :)
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    Do you like where you live?

    I like where I live actually. It's a small town (around 3,600 people) and we purposely moved here to get away from the big city. We can leave our doors unlocked without fear of having a home invasion, kids still play street hockey and ride their bikes all over the town. It's lovely. However, we...
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    Hello everyone, My name is Gabrielle and I am a 27 year old Albertan. I belong to a few dog forums already and thought, what the heck is one more? Haha! I currently have two Labradors. Dio is a male black lab and will be 5 in May. I've had him since he was 8 weeks old. Kaity is a female...