Recent content by 4tis

  1. 4

    glow in the dark tennis balls?

    I found a light up hard ball at Walgreens in the pet section. It might be a tad bit bigger than a tennis ball, not sure how close it has to be. : )
  2. 4

    Any Tough Toys Besides Kong?

    I know what you mean about going through toys. We are on our second puppy kong. Our dog (lab/chow/dingo/mix???) is a toy distroyer. I found a tennis ball dumbell looking toy and aside from the squeaker only lasting a few minutes... she gets lots of pleasure out of it and it is holding up...
  3. 4

    Help with dog pulling on leash!

    Thanks Is the halti collar a pain to get on them? And another post said I would have to wean her off of it, what do you think, do you always use yours? I will check out the link. Thanks!
  4. 4

    Help with dog pulling on leash!

    Thanks For some reason the stopping everytime only makes her more excited. She does sit and wait for me to walk again, but eager and ready to take off once I start off again. I have had luck with saying "side" just as I see that she takes off and giving her a treat when she returns to my...
  5. 4

    Help with dog pulling on leash!

    Funny because this morning I brought snacks with our walk to try again and she knew when I say "side" that she comes to my left and looks for the treat. She also remembers to sit when I stop and looks for a treat or I just praise her. I guess it also the young age and also keeping it up. But...
  6. 4

    Help with dog pulling on leash!

    Thanks I have tried to stop and also go the other way... guess I was hoping that there was an easier way. Thanks for your help.
  7. 4

    Help with dog pulling on leash!

    I have a 5 month old lab/mix that I have been trying to train to walk nicely on a leash. The bigger she gets the harder it seems to be to hold her back. (even harder for the my kids). I was trying to teach her to heal with treats, but I got tired of taking cheese with me on every walk..LOL...
  8. 4

    Puppy mix?

    Thanks for the breed info site you posted... neat site!
  9. 4

    Puppy mix?

    I thought it could be some chow in the first picture, but really don't see it in her fur or body shape. But the first time I posted her picture the same was said about chow. huh!! Her personality is strong. She has tons of spunk and is very active. She love to run. And jumps while waiting...
  10. 4

    Puppy mix?

    I was thinking shepard as well? Could that be with her coloring?
  11. 4

    Puppy mix?

    I posted this picture last month to see what mix you thought my new puppy was. I thought I would post an updated picture... so you can see how she is changing (even in a month). Her one ear always stays up, but sometimes they both...
  12. 4

    My dog has 6 fingers? And other problems...

    Just jumping in the thread... If I were you, I would find a good vet and ask him about the needed shots and worming meds... If she is 8 weeks old she should already have her first round. As far as waking up, it will get easier. Just think when you have to go, you have to go. She didn't ask...
  13. 4

    New puppy mix??

    Yes, she does have spots in the back of her tonge. Because she is a rescue I guess you never know what they are. But I just keep looking at her and wonder what breed I am looking for. A friend just really confussed me and said maybe she even have some pit in her. She also said maybe some...
  14. 4

    New puppy mix??

    I should remember that the breed doesn't really matter. My dad has a mix and my kids could lay on her and she would not care. I will keep taking her out and meeting new people and places. I think I will need a little help on the training! Thanks for you input : )
  15. 4

    New puppy mix??

    You know you are right, I have a Lasha Apso and my mom would say they are snippy around kids, for 13 years through both births of of my children and she is such a sweet dog.