Saving Yoshi


New Member
Aug 4, 2005
Here's the story of how I got my puppy:

I had been looking around at local animal shelters for three or four months. I had been living with some friends lately, because of some home problems. I didn't want to get a pet until I was on my own and I was sure the place I was staying would allow me to have a dog.

When I was looking around on petfinder I found a site for the Claremore Animal Shelter. They didn't have any pets on the page but I knew from living in Claremore a few years back that there was always strays. So one day I drove about an hour to get there to look at the dogs.

It was in one of those indoor kennel things. The had concrete floors and a bowl of water and their food was placed on the flor for them. In some pens with small dogs there were three or four dogs there. All the adult dogs looked starved and a ton of them wouldn't even come up to the gate when I called them.

I had decided early on that I wanted a dog between puppy age and about 2 years old. I got to one of the cages with puppies in it and saw this cute puppy jumping around. I fell in love! I asked the lady about the puppy but she said that the dog had just been brought in. That the puppy wouldn't be up for adoption until about half a week later. So if I wanted to adopt that puppy to come back then.

A day before adoption time I showed back up just to look in on the dogs and pointed at a puppy and asked about it. The whole time this white looking dog was jumping around trying to get me to pet her. She was like 'that's a little terrier mix about four months old' I was thinking 'OMG it's so cute!' I told her then that I wanted to adopt the puppy. She was called out so I had to drive back the next day to adopt the puppy.

They told me she would have to be fixed before I could take her home so I had to come back later that day after work to pick her up from an animal hospital in the same town. When they brought out the dog it turned out it was a different puppy, it was the white puppy.

It turns out another couple wanted the other puppy but right then if I had said no I want that puppy I would have gotten the one I originally wanted. The lady told me that the puppy she had brought out to me was going to be put down the next day because no one had claimed it in two weeks. But I said, no you can have it, and I took the terrier puppy.

It took eight hours of driving just to bring my puppy home.
I got her home and had so many bad things happen.

She only weighed 15 pounds and her ribs stuck out really bad, she was sleepy/sick feeling from the medicine they gave her when she got fixed, she turned out to be allergic to the shampoo I bought her, she had fleas, she had tape worms, she was so use to being starved she didn't know when to stop eating so I have to monitor when and what and how much she eats at all times, same with water.

But now I've had her for one month and she's turned into the cutest puppy in the world! She's five months old now and she knows sit, stay, come, up, down, eat, out, paper, bed, crate, ball, bone, and squeaky. And it turned out she wasn't white!! The crappy light of the place made her look white but she's got the coloring of a golden retriever with a terrier face and terrier fur. She's got pretty hazel looking eyes and she's the best cuddler in the world.


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Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2004
Oh what a wonderful story! It sounds like the two of you were meant to be together!


Dec 14, 2004
Wow that's great! It's so nice of you to take the puppy that was going to be put down the next day instead of the one you wanted for two weeks. Great story!

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